本文关键词: 创新搜索广度 创新目标 信息来源 年中国创新调查 出处:《科研管理》2015年01期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:Because of the limitation of the enterprise's own knowledge and ability, innovative search is an effective way to obtain the necessary resources and promote the development of innovation. The innovation search strategy adopted by an enterprise will have a significant impact on its innovation results. Adopting an open innovation model can make enterprises access to resources that are otherwise difficult to obtain, and have an impact on the drivers of internal innovation. In addition, the research on enterprise cognitive process also points out the importance of innovation search breadth in eliminating cognitive errors. When faced with the uncertainty of innovation risk, Enterprises can respond effectively by increasing the breadth of innovation search. In addition to having more than one innovation goal, enterprises can also increase the number of innovation information sources to enhance the possibility of innovation success. The relationship between information sources and innovation success is the starting point. This paper mainly discusses the impact of innovation search breadth on innovation success, and tests the "wide variety" effect of innovation search. This study mainly answers the following three questions: first, Will the breadth of innovation objectives increase the likelihood of successful innovation? Secondly, will the breadth of innovation information sources enhance the possibility of innovation success? In addition, is the relationship between innovation search breadth (including innovation goal breadth and innovation information source breadth) and enterprise innovation success affected by a single dependency? In view of these three problems, this paper establishes a theoretical framework through the theoretical analysis of the combination of economics and statistics. And using the 2008 China Enterprise Innovation Survey data to carry out a large sample (including a total of 30 manufacturing segments of 870 enterprise information) empirical analysis, innovation search breadth, The impact of innovation information source breadth on the possibility of enterprise innovation success and its single dependence are tested. Find out and sum up the law about the "wide variety" effect of innovation search in manufacturing enterprises in China. The research finds that the innovation goal breadth of enterprises is positively related to the possibility of successful innovation, that is, the more innovation objectives of enterprises, the more innovation objectives of enterprises. The greater the possibility of success in innovation, the greater the probability of innovation success, the greater the extent of innovation information sources and the possibility of success in innovation, that is, the more sources of innovation information, the greater the probability of success in innovation. The dependence on a single source of information in an enterprise negatively regulates the positive effect of the breadth of the information source on the likelihood of success in innovation, but does not completely counteract its positive impact. The results of stability test such as grouping regression further support the correctness and reliability of the conclusions of this study. Both increasing innovation objectives and expanding innovation information sources have a significant positive impact on the success of enterprise innovation activities; at the same time, if enterprises are too dependent on a few sources of innovation information, This kind of single information source dependence will weaken the positive effect of information source breadth and reduce the "wide variety" positive effect of innovative search.
【作者单位】: 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地清华大学技术创新研究中心;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金项目“我国复杂技术产业中的创新搜索研究”(71172008,2012/1-2015/12) 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目“我国复杂技术产业追赶规律研究”(10JJD630007,2011/1-2013/12)
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