发布时间:2018-03-05 22:12
本文选题:城区商住用地 切入点:市场比较法 出处:《四川农业大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:我国住房制度改革以来,房地产市场逐渐放开并取得了较快的发展。房地产价值的合理、客观核定在房地产一级和二级市场各项经济活动中起着重大作用。开县土地市场活跃,尤其是城区商住用地出让及转让案例特别多,因此市场比较法成为开县区域应用最广泛的评估方法。论文旨在结合开县城区开发和地产发展的实际,客观分析市场比较法中各影响因子的作用,合理调整比较系数,以形成适合开县城区商住用地地价评估的市场比较法体系。论文针对市场比较法中比较案例、各修正因素筛选及量化问题,以开县城区商住用地为对象,深入分析市场比较法估价体系,并对开县商圈进行市场调查获取一手资料,研究开县城市总体规划、开县历年各项经济指标、近年土地成交案例,通过资料分析与实际走访调查相结合,定量分析与定性分析相结合,理论分析联系实证研究,形成了适合研究区域的市场比较法估价体系。主要结论如下:1、该区域市场比较法中的显著相关因子为:一般因素中的交易时间因素,区域因素中距商业中心距离、公用设施、商业繁华程度、基础设施完备度、公交便捷度、道路通达度,个别因素中容积率、土地级别、临街状况、面积。2、基于三峡移民对开县特有影响的考虑,在重庆地价指数表基础上修正得出了开县近年地价指数。3、对容积率等地价显著影响因子进行逐一修正后,距商业中心距离,每相差1 km,修正0.5%;公用设施完备度每相差一个等级,修正2%;商业繁华程度每相差一个等级修正5%;公交便捷度每增加或减少1条线路修正0.5%,涉及轨道交通修正1%;道路通达度每相差一个等级修正2%,涉及单行道和步行街修正增加修正1%;为减小容积率对地价的显著影响采用比较案例楼面价为比准价格;临街状况每相差一个等级,修正5%;面积每相差一个等级修正2%。4、建立了参照案例适宜度量化模型,解决了在案例选取时的主观性、随意性问题,提高了估价的可信度。参照案例适宜度量化办法为:参照案例适宜度=60/容积率差异+15/交易时间差异+25/面积适宜度等级差异。5、考虑到开县城市规划的重大变化,重新构建了开县商业区位模型,利用城镇土地分等定级原理对开县城区土地级别做了科学调整,将部分原规划区外的土地级别提高了2-5级,为该区域地价评估提供了有利的参考体系。
[Abstract]:Since the reform of the housing system, the real estate market gradually liberalized and achieved rapid development. The real estate value is reasonable, objective assessment plays an important role in the real estate market and two of the economic activities in Kaixian. The development of land market, especially urban commercial and residential land and the transfer case is particularly much, so market comparison assessment methods become the most widely Kaixian regional application. This paper aims to according to the actual situation of Kaixian urban development and real estate development, the factors affecting the role of objective analysis of the market comparison approach, adjusting the comparison coefficient, to form a suitable land price evaluation of Kaixian urban residential market comparison system. The thesis focuses on the comparative case Market Comparison in the method, correction factor screening and quantification problem, taking Kaixian city commercial land as the research object, in-depth analysis of market comparison system, and the Kaixian business circle The market survey to obtain first-hand information on the overall planning of Kaixian City, Kaixian's economic indicators in recent years, land transaction case, through data analysis combined with the actual investigation, quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis, theoretical analysis with empirical research, formed for the research area of the market comparison system. The main conclusions are as follows: 1 significant factors related to the regional market comparison approach is: general factors of transaction time factors, regional factors in the distance from the commercial center of public facilities, commercial prosperity, complete infrastructure, public transport convenience, road accessibility, individual factors in the volume rate, land level, street, area.2, the three Gorges immigrants on Kaixian special effects based on the consideration of land price index in Chongqing based on the table correction obtained in Kaixian in recent years the land price index.3, the volume rate of land price influence One by one factor correction, distance from the commercial center, each is 1 km, the 0.5% amendment; public facilities of each is a grade, modified 2% degree of commercial prosperity; each is a modified 5% grade; bus convenient level each increase or decrease 1 lines 0.5% revision relates to rail traffic amendment 1% road; accessibility is a modified 2% grade per lane and the pedestrian street, involving 1% amendment amendments to increase the volume rate; to reduce the significant influence on land price using comparative case floor price than the price; the condition of each street is a grade, amendment 5%; area of each difference between a grade modified 2%.4, established by reference in case the suitability of quantitative model to solve the case in the selection of subjectivity and arbitrariness, improve the evaluation reliability. The reference case for suitability quantitative method: reference case suitable volume difference degree of =60/ / +15 transactions The time difference between +25 /.5 area suitability level difference, considering the change of Kaixian city planning, to build Kaixian commercial location model, the use of urban land classification principle of land grade in Kaixian city to do scientific adjustment, will be part of the original planning area of the land level increased 2-5, provide a favorable reference system for the regional land price evaluation.
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