本文选题:城市综合承载力 切入点:主成分分析法 出处:《天津财经大学》2014年硕士论文
[Abstract]:As an everlasting topic, development is also difficult to avoid in the process of rapid, stable and healthy development of China's economy. Especially now, "urbanization" has been put on the agenda. With the development, it is the problem of carrying capacity of cities. The urban comprehensive carrying capacity studied in this paper is based on the characteristics of the city and its function. Its own characteristics, such as the amount of resources reserves, the land area and so on, determine the potential of urban development. That is to say, the degree of its future development determined by its own innate conditions. In terms of the function of the city, it refers to the kind of living environment that the city will provide to its citizens, such as education, medical care, On the basis of the previous studies, the paper selects 14 indexes of water resources, land resources, transportation resources, education resources, medical treatment, employment, environmental resources, etc., taking 11 cities in Hebei Province as the research object. The evaluation model of comprehensive bearing capacity is established by principal component analysis, and analyzed from two aspects: firstly, the difference of carrying capacity of different cities is studied, and the change trend of urban carrying capacity from 2006 to 2012 is analyzed from the angle of time series; Secondly, the change trend of overall urban comprehensive carrying capacity level with time in Hebei Province is studied. Then, on the basis of principal component analysis evaluation model, The relationship between urban comprehensive carrying capacity and economic growth in Hebei Province is studied by using grey relational analysis. The results show that the carrying capacity of different cities in Hebei Province is different. And the carrying capacity of different aspects of the same city is different, and its bearing capacity fluctuates with time. At the same time, through the analysis of the existing data, Four aspects that have the greatest influence on urban bearing capacity are obtained: employment carrying capacity, environmental carrying capacity, education carrying capacity, medical carrying capacity, and it is found that the higher the urban comprehensive carrying capacity, the higher the urban comprehensive carrying capacity. The relationship between it and the level of economic development is less close. Based on the results of this study, some suggestions on improving the comprehensive bearing capacity of cities are put forward.
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