本文选题:检验检测服务业 + 十三五 ; 参考:《经济纵横》2015年05期
[Abstract]:After being defined as one of the eight major high-tech services, the inspection and testing service industry faces many important development opportunities and challenges. " During the 13th Five-Year Plan period, it is necessary to clarify the five specific objectives of the development of the inspection and inspection service industry in China, namely, to clarify the boundary between state-owned and private inspection and inspection institutions; To realize innovation-driven development; to optimize and improve the relevant management system and operation mechanism. Carrying out the five main tasks of the development of the inspection and inspection service industry, that is, speeding up the reform of the ownership diversification of the state-owned inspection and testing institutions, creating an institutional environment conducive to the technological innovation of the inspection and testing institutions; We should strengthen the construction of information service platform for inspection and inspection, strengthen the cultivation of talents related to inspection and inspection, and form a "double pull" growth pattern between each industry and the service industry of inspection and inspection. It is necessary to speed up the development of the inspection and testing service industry by means of increasing the degree of opening to the outside world of the inspection and testing service industry and focusing on the reform of the market attributes of the inspection and testing industry.
【作者单位】: 湖南大学经济与贸易学院;湖南省产商品质量监督检验研究院;
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