本文选题:内江市 + 城市土地 ; 参考:《四川农业大学》2014年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Almost all human production activities are based on the land, the most basic human resources. Cultivated land is the basis for ensuring all human life activities. At present, China is in the process of rapid urbanization, which also brings a series of problems, such as environmental pollution, waste of resources, especially the waste of cultivated land around the city. Saving intensive use of land resources has become the inevitable choice of land use under the new situation. Urban land farming is an important carrier of human production and life. In the past, excessive extensive utilization of urban land could not meet the needs of current urban development. It is also of great practical significance to use urban land intensively and to carry out the evaluation of urban land intensive use. The evaluation of urban land can give us a better understanding of the present situation of the city, provide reference for the formulation of specific urban development policies, and finally realize the sustainable development of the city. Based on the analysis of the present situation and problems of urban land use in Neijiang City, this paper draws lessons from the existing research results. From four aspects, the evaluation index system of intensive use of land in Neijiang central urban area is constructed. When evaluating the model, the comprehensive evaluation method and entropy method are used to determine the weight of each index of intensive use of land in the central urban area of Neijiang. Finally, the level of intensive use of urban land in central urban area of Neijiang City from 2002 to 2012 is calculated. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) during the period of study, the cultivated land in Neijiang City, the area of unused land and water conservancy facilities was relatively reduced, the residential land and industrial and mining land, the forest land and traffic land showed an increasing trend, and the overall land use was relatively extensive. The ecological foundation is fragile. The area of Neijiang central urban area expanded from 26km2 in 2002 to 45.2km2 in 2012. In the process of urban expansion, urban construction land is increasing, a large number of farmland is occupied. Because Neijiang is a typical hilly area, there is less land to be used around the city, land development cost is large, and the contradiction between supply and demand is becoming more and more serious. Therefore, intensive land use should be saved in urban expansion. The road of intensive land use is compact space and intensive development.) the level of intensive land use in Neijiang city is rising continuously. From 2002 to 2008, the increasing trend of intensive land use in Neijiang city is relatively slow. The overall level is below 0.4. Since 2009, the intensive land use of Neijiang city has increased rapidly, and the intensive degree is higher than 0.4. After 2010, the intensive land use level of Neijiang city is in the state of intensive utilization and over-utilization. The rate of municipal solid waste disposal, the rate of urban sewage treatment and the investment of fixed assets per site have a great influence on the intensive utilization of urban land, and the workers working in the land, the impact of the average road area and the population density in the urban area are relatively small) and the land system should be improved. We should rationally formulate urban development plans, improve the mechanism of supervision and feedback, improve the land market, strengthen the arrangement of urban land stocks, intensify the investigation and punishment of illegal land use, and optimize the structure of urban land use. In order to improve the intensive degree of urban land use, realize the optimization of urban land use, meet the needs of economic and social development.
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