发布时间:2018-06-25 07:26
本文选题:重大工程 + 社会稳定 ; 参考:《山东大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:当前,我国处于“战略机遇期”和“矛盾凸显期”的态势没有根本改变,随着市场经济的进一步发展和改革的深入推进,利益分配不断调整,利益格局深刻变化,加之国内外政治、经济、文化、军事、安全等因素影响,深层次的社会矛盾进一步显现,各类矛盾碰头叠加,各类诉求相互交织,社会群体事件易发高发。 预防和化解社会矛盾已成为各级党委政府工作的重中之重,对重大事项进行社会稳定风险评估已成为近年来各地实施风险管理的一项重要举措。2009年,济南市政府按照中央提出的“提出化解矛盾纠纷要“关口前移”的工作思路”,结合自身实际下发《济南市重大事项社会稳定风险评估化解制度》,提出了“在容易引发矛盾纠纷的重大项目、决策前中引入风险评估机制”,2012年再次下发《关于进一步健全完善重大事项社会稳定风险评估化解机制的意见》,利用社会稳定评估工作,对重大项目、决策中可能引发的影响社会稳定的不稳定隐患进行预测,从而准确分析项目实施后的社会稳定形势及风险根源,并通过提前介入,提早工作,力争将矛盾纠纷化解在萌芽和初始状态。2010年以来,对高速路建设、外环路延长线等工程实施了评估,超前预防和化解不稳定因素1100多项,可见,开展社会稳定风险评估工作对于实施重大工程项目有重要的现实意义。 本文借助于国内外社会稳定风险评估理论与实践的基础上,以济南市某重大工程的社会稳定风险评估为案例,剖析了社会稳定风险评估的各个方面,并进一步提出了完善济南市社会稳定风险评估的对策建议。
[Abstract]:At present, the situation of our country in the period of "strategic opportunity" and "contradiction highlight" has not fundamentally changed. With the further development of the market economy and the deepening of reform, the distribution of interests is constantly adjusted, and the pattern of interests changes profoundly. With the influence of political, economic, cultural, military and security factors at home and abroad, deep-seated social contradictions appear further, all kinds of contradictions meet and overlap, various demands interweave, and social group events are prone to high incidence. Preventing and resolving social contradictions has become a top priority in the work of party committees and governments at all levels. Risk assessment of social stability on major issues has become an important measure in implementing risk management in various localities in recent years. In accordance with the central government's proposal of "putting forward the work of" moving forward the border "to resolve contradictions and disputes," the Jinan Municipal Government, Combining with the actual issue of the "risk Assessment and Resolution system for Social Stability in Jinan City", the paper puts forward a "major project which is liable to cause contradictions and disputes," A risk assessment mechanism was introduced before decision-making. In 2012, another issue of opinions on further improving and perfecting the risk assessment mechanism for social stability in major matters was issued again, using the work of social stability assessment to make use of the work on major projects. In order to accurately analyze the social stability situation and the risk root after the implementation of the project, the hidden dangers of social stability that may be caused by the decision-making may be predicted, and through the intervention in advance, the work will be carried out early. Efforts will be made to resolve contradictions and disputes in the bud and initial state. Since 2010, more than 1100 factors of instability have been prevented and resolved ahead of time through the evaluation of highway construction, extension of outer ring roads, and so on. It is of great practical significance to carry out the risk assessment of social stability for the implementation of major engineering projects. Based on the theory and practice of social stability risk assessment at home and abroad, this paper takes the social stability risk assessment of a major project in Jinan as a case to analyze the various aspects of social stability risk assessment. And further put forward the countermeasures and suggestions to perfect the risk assessment of social stability in Jinan.
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