发布时间:2018-09-07 18:30
【摘要】:当前我国正处于城镇化快速发展的阶段,耕地利用情况也在发生着巨大的变化。在耕地面积减少的背景下提升耕地集约利用水平是实现城镇化与耕地保护和粮食安全协调的重要途径,对我国新型城镇化的实现具有重要的意义。城镇化和耕地集约利用相互联系和相互制约,城镇化与耕地集约利用的协调发展程度决定着城镇化建设水平和我国耕地产出水平的高低。本文以我国287个设区市为例,通过分别构建城镇化发展与耕地集约利用评价指标体系,进行数理统计分析与耦合协调模型计算分析,梳理揭示两者之间的关系,进而提出了结论和促进城镇化建设与耕地集约利用的相关对策与建议。 (1)大规模的人口集聚可以带来城镇化的全面发展,城市经济的发展对城镇化水平的提高有很大推动作用。土地城镇化的提高对总城镇化的提升没有明显效果。社会城镇化成熟的城市总城镇化也比较成熟,但是总城镇化水平高的城市并不一定社会城镇化高。 (2)我国设区市耕地集约利用水平差异较为明显,最集约利用的城市与最粗放利用的城市耕地集约利用水平相差近16倍之多。我国华北、华中、华东和华南区域耕地集约利用水平普遍较好,而高水平耕地集约利用的城市主要集中于东南沿海组团、四川东部地区和中部粮食主产区三大组团区域。耕地集约利用必须要以较高的耕地投入强度为支撑。 (3)经过相关分析与偏相关分析,可确定耕地投入强度和耕地总集约度与人口城镇化、经济城镇化、土地城镇化和城镇化总水平之间存在显著的正相关关系,但是没有线性关系。即人口城镇化、经济城镇化、土地城镇化和城镇化总水平的提升,,可以带来耕地投入强度和耕地总集约度的提升。耕地投入强度和耕地总集约度与社会城镇化之间没有明显的相关关系。 (4)从地域分布上看,我国城镇化水平高、经济基础较好、开发程度较高的华北地区、长三角地区、珠三角地区城镇化与耕地集约利用耦合协调关系较好,而东北地区、西北地区、华中地区和西南地区耦合协调性较差。深圳市、广州市、北京市、上海市等26座城市,城镇化与耕地集约利用发展水平均相对较高,基本形成了彼此互为依托、相互促进的格局,这些地区城镇化的发展强力地促进了耕地的集约利用。经济城镇化和土地城镇化对耕地集约利用的提升具有显著的促进作用。
[Abstract]:At present, China is in the stage of rapid development of urbanization, and the utilization of cultivated land is also undergoing tremendous changes. Raising the level of intensive utilization of cultivated land under the background of decreasing cultivated land area is an important way to realize the coordination of urbanization with cultivated land protection and food security, which is of great significance to the realization of new urbanization in China. Urbanization and intensive utilization of cultivated land are interrelated and restrict each other. The coordinated development of urbanization and intensive utilization of cultivated land determines the level of urbanization construction and the level of cultivated land output in China. In this paper, 287 districts and cities in China are taken as an example. By constructing the evaluation index system of urbanization development and cultivated land intensive utilization, mathematical statistics analysis and coupled coordination model calculation and analysis are carried out to reveal the relationship between the two. The conclusions and suggestions of urbanization construction and intensive utilization of cultivated land are put forward. (1) Large-scale population agglomeration can bring about the overall development of urbanization. The development of urban economy has a great role in promoting the level of urbanization. The improvement of land urbanization has no obvious effect on the overall urbanization. The total urbanization of the cities with mature social urbanization is also mature, but the cities with high level of total urbanization are not necessarily high in social urbanization. (2) the level of intensive utilization of cultivated land in cities with districts in China is quite different. The level of intensive utilization of cultivated land in the most intensive cities is 16 times higher than that in the most extensive ones. The intensive utilization level of cultivated land in North, Central, East and South China regions of China is generally good, while the cities with high level cultivated land intensive utilization are mainly concentrated in the southeast coastal areas, the three major groups of regions in the east of Sichuan and the main grain producing areas in the central part of Sichuan. The intensive utilization of cultivated land must be supported by high input intensity of cultivated land. (3) through correlation analysis and partial correlation analysis, it can be determined that the intensity of cultivated land input, the total intensity of cultivated land, the urbanization of population, the urbanization of economy, and so on. There is a significant positive correlation between urbanization and the total level of urbanization, but there is no linear relationship. That is, population urbanization, economic urbanization, land urbanization and the total level of urbanization can lead to the increase of input intensity and total intensity of cultivated land. There is no obvious correlation between cultivated land input intensity and total cultivated land intensity and social urbanization. (4) in terms of regional distribution, China has a high level of urbanization, a good economic base, and a high degree of development in North China. The coupling and coordination between urbanization and cultivated land intensive utilization in Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta are better than that in Northeast, Northwest, Central China and Southwest China. In Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Beijing, Shanghai and other 26 cities, the level of urbanization and intensive use of cultivated land is relatively high, which basically forms a pattern of mutual support and promotion. The development of urbanization in these areas has strongly promoted the intensive use of cultivated land. Economic urbanization and land urbanization play a significant role in promoting the intensive use of cultivated land.
[Abstract]:At present, China is in the stage of rapid development of urbanization, and the utilization of cultivated land is also undergoing tremendous changes. Raising the level of intensive utilization of cultivated land under the background of decreasing cultivated land area is an important way to realize the coordination of urbanization with cultivated land protection and food security, which is of great significance to the realization of new urbanization in China. Urbanization and intensive utilization of cultivated land are interrelated and restrict each other. The coordinated development of urbanization and intensive utilization of cultivated land determines the level of urbanization construction and the level of cultivated land output in China. In this paper, 287 districts and cities in China are taken as an example. By constructing the evaluation index system of urbanization development and cultivated land intensive utilization, mathematical statistics analysis and coupled coordination model calculation and analysis are carried out to reveal the relationship between the two. The conclusions and suggestions of urbanization construction and intensive utilization of cultivated land are put forward. (1) Large-scale population agglomeration can bring about the overall development of urbanization. The development of urban economy has a great role in promoting the level of urbanization. The improvement of land urbanization has no obvious effect on the overall urbanization. The total urbanization of the cities with mature social urbanization is also mature, but the cities with high level of total urbanization are not necessarily high in social urbanization. (2) the level of intensive utilization of cultivated land in cities with districts in China is quite different. The level of intensive utilization of cultivated land in the most intensive cities is 16 times higher than that in the most extensive ones. The intensive utilization level of cultivated land in North, Central, East and South China regions of China is generally good, while the cities with high level cultivated land intensive utilization are mainly concentrated in the southeast coastal areas, the three major groups of regions in the east of Sichuan and the main grain producing areas in the central part of Sichuan. The intensive utilization of cultivated land must be supported by high input intensity of cultivated land. (3) through correlation analysis and partial correlation analysis, it can be determined that the intensity of cultivated land input, the total intensity of cultivated land, the urbanization of population, the urbanization of economy, and so on. There is a significant positive correlation between urbanization and the total level of urbanization, but there is no linear relationship. That is, population urbanization, economic urbanization, land urbanization and the total level of urbanization can lead to the increase of input intensity and total intensity of cultivated land. There is no obvious correlation between cultivated land input intensity and total cultivated land intensity and social urbanization. (4) in terms of regional distribution, China has a high level of urbanization, a good economic base, and a high degree of development in North China. The coupling and coordination between urbanization and cultivated land intensive utilization in Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta are better than that in Northeast, Northwest, Central China and Southwest China. In Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Beijing, Shanghai and other 26 cities, the level of urbanization and intensive use of cultivated land is relatively high, which basically forms a pattern of mutual support and promotion. The development of urbanization in these areas has strongly promoted the intensive use of cultivated land. Economic urbanization and land urbanization play a significant role in promoting the intensive use of cultivated land.
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