[Abstract]:Based on the time series data from 1981 to 2012, this paper studies the causes and mechanism of China's "semi-urbanization" dilemma by constructing a econometric model. The results show that: 1) the urbanization of excessive land and the imbalance of human and land elements lead to the difficulty of semi-urbanization in China. The increase of the imbalance rate of human and land factors will bring about an accelerated process of semi-urbanization. 2) the urban-rural overall planning policy implemented in the end of 2003 has restricted the process of the expansion of semi-urbanization in China. It is of great significance to solve the semi-urbanization dilemma in China. (3) the semi-urbanization dilemma in China is presented as a cumulative process. Due to policy constraints, it takes a long time for the semi-urbanized population to break away from its own population.
【作者单位】: 郑州大学旅游管理学院;郑州大学房地产市场研究中心;
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9 彭,