[Abstract]:This study explores the employment status of urban women and their relationship with subjective well-being. Based on the current dual labor market structure of the state-owned sector (within the system) and the non-state-owned sector (outside the system) in urban areas, this paper divides urban women into three groups: intra-system employment, out-of-system employment and non-employment. To explore the difference of subjective well-being among groups and its explanation mechanism. By analyzing the data of China Comprehensive Social Survey 2013, this study found that women who are married and have better family economic status are more likely to not participate in the labour market; The average working time of women employed in the system is much lower than that of those employed outside the system; the subjective well-being of the women who are not employed and those who are employed in the system are both higher than those employed outside the system. Based on the theory of new institutionalism in sociology, this paper puts forward three mechanisms of "family asylum", "institutional asylum" and "work-family conflict" to explain the above empirical findings. The results of this study indicate that the understanding and interpretation of women's employment status and subjective well-being need to fully consider the current urban labor market structure and related macro institutional environment.
【作者单位】: 南京大学社会学院;山东大学社会学系;
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