[Abstract]:The problem of food safety is one of the main problems that the society pays close attention to. It not only relates to the harmonious and stable development of the society, but also relates to the life and health of every consumer. The production of the problem food not only affects the public trust of a country, a region or even a township, but also affects the national constitution of the next generation and, to a certain extent, the economic development and stability of the society. In recent years, food safety incidents continue to occur, causing certain psychological panic. Therefore, the establishment of an effective regional regulatory system and early warning mechanism is urgent. First of all, through the understanding of food safety and early warning theory, combined with the current situation and existing problems of food quality and safety in Qinhuangdao, this paper bases on the advanced experience and theory at home and abroad. For Qinhuangdao City to build a set of food safety regulatory system and early warning mechanism. Secondly, the index system of early warning is constructed from macro and micro aspects, and the selection and evaluation criteria of indicators are determined according to local conditions and construction principles. On this basis, the food quality and safety information collected is systematically analyzed, and the framework of food safety warning is established. The construction of early warning mechanism can effectively reduce the health impact and economic loss caused by food safety crisis. Finally, according to the deficiency of food early warning mechanism in Qinhuangdao City, some suggestions and countermeasures are put forward to ensure the efficient operation of the early warning system.
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