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发布时间:2019-02-12 21:01
[Abstract]:With the decrease of world energy reserve and the increase of energy demand in China, the contradiction between energy supply and demand is becoming more and more serious, so it is urgent to improve energy efficiency. At present, China carries out a new development strategy of urbanization, breaks the dual economic structure of urban and rural areas, releases the huge consumption demand potential in rural areas, and explores the endogenous economic growth model, which makes our economy develop steadily, rapidly and efficiently. In the process of achieving this goal, the construction of ecological civilization should not be underestimated. The report of the 18th National Congress made an important supplement to the strategy of "four-in-one" national construction, integrating ecological civilization construction with economic construction, political construction, cultural construction, and social construction into a development strategy of "five in one." This reflects the country's attention to the construction of ecological civilization. At the present stage, China is in the period of rapid development of urbanization construction. It is of great theoretical and practical significance to solve the energy problems in the process of urbanization. Under the framework of all-factor energy efficiency, the energy efficiency of 30 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions in China from 2005 to 2009 is calculated by using the data envelopment analysis method (DEA), and the interprovincial energy efficiency is analyzed. The regional characteristics and convergence trend are analyzed in detail. Secondly, taking the total factor energy efficiency as the dependent variable, taking the urbanization level, the industrial structure, the energy consumption structure and the technological progress level as the independent variables, using the Tobit regression model to explore each factor to the energy efficiency influence mechanism. Pay special attention to the impact of urbanization; Finally, based on the results of empirical analysis, the direction of reducing energy consumption in China is put forward for practical reference. It is found that the overall level of energy efficiency among provinces in China is not high, the difference of energy efficiency between provinces is great, the difference of energy efficiency in Northeast, East, Middle and West of China is great. There is a significant positive correlation between urbanization level and energy efficiency level. This paper has the following two innovations: (1) the paper studies the relationship between the energy efficiency level and the urbanization level, and finds that there is a high positive correlation between the two levels, and the fluctuation trend is basically the same. This provides the necessary theoretical basis for the implementation of urbanization. (2) taking the total factor energy efficiency as dependent variable, the influence of urbanization is considered in the influencing factors, and the mechanism of urbanization on energy efficiency is analyzed. This paper studies the level of inter-provincial energy efficiency and explores the mechanism of the influence of urbanization on energy efficiency. The conclusion of the study provides a theoretical reference for the implementation of urbanization strategy.


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