[Abstract]:Promoting new urbanization is of great significance in the overall economic and social development of our country, is the inevitable requirement of establishing and implementing the scientific concept of development, is the necessary requirement of building a harmonious socialist society, and is also the inevitable requirement of realizing the goal of a well-off society in an all-round way. Promoting new urbanization is also an inevitable requirement for Heilongjiang Province to continue to actively promote the process of industrialization, eliminate the contradictions brought about by the dual structure of urban and rural areas, realize the gap between urban and rural areas, promote agriculture by industry, narrow the gap between social members in the distribution of wealth, opportunities for development, and enjoy public services, enhance the sense of social identity and promote social harmony. Chaihe Town, as one of the 68 key villages and towns in the comprehensive pilot project of new urbanization in China, has achieved great results in carrying out four key projects: "Co-construction of industrial parks, transformation of regional sheds, joint construction of fine demonstration streets and joint construction of happy homes in Chaihe River". However, in the process of promoting the construction of new urbanization, we are also faced with many problems, such as low level of planning, weak industrial support, not many sources of construction funds, land, household registration and other problems have not yet been solved, and some farmers still have concerns. Therefore, how to mobilize the main consciousness of farmers' urbanization, solve the worries of farmers, scientifically plan and layout, provide good social services, deal with the relationship between new urbanization and economic development, and promote the economic development of Chaihe area through the promotion of new urbanization construction is an important topic to be studied at this stage. The purpose of this paper is to explore the mode and characteristics of the new urbanization construction in Chaihe Town according to the present situation and problems of the new urbanization in Chaihe Town, to summarize the problems existing in the construction of the new urbanization in Chaihe Town, and to analyze the restrictive factors affecting the development of the new urbanization in Chaihe Town, so as to have a more comprehensive understanding of the development of the new urbanization construction in Chaihe Town. Better guide the construction and development of new urbanization in Chaihe Town. This paper mainly studies the development of the new urbanization construction of Chaihe Town from the following five aspects. The first part introduces the research background and significance of the new urbanization construction of Chaihe Town, the literature review of the development of urbanization at home and abroad, as well as the research ideas and methods of this paper. The second part introduces the concepts of urbanization, new urbanization and local urbanization. The third part summarizes the current situation of urbanization development of Chaihe Town, and summarizes the urbanization development model of Chaihe Town. The fourth part points out the main problems existing in the urbanization construction of Chaihe Town, and holds that the construction path of Chaihe Town's new urbanization is not clear enough, the construction layout is not reasonable enough, and the construction characteristics are not prominent enough. In addition, the "dual structure" of the urban population of Chaihe Town is still prominent, and there are many reasons for the existence of these problems. The factors restricting the construction of new urbanization in Chaihe Town are analyzed, including management system, investment system and so on. In the fifth part, in view of the present situation, problems and restrictive factors of the new urbanization development of Chaihe Town, this paper puts forward some reasonable countermeasures, and suggests that local urbanization is a new urbanization development path in line with the actual situation of Chaihe Town, the government should strengthen its support and guidance, should adhere to the scientific concept of development, formulate the most appropriate plan, and improve the active consciousness of urbanization of residents on the basis of careful research, demonstration and investigation. Adjust the industrial structure, vigorously develop industrial parks, improve the service function of towns and central communities, and promote the development of people's livelihood.
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