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发布时间:2021-06-08 23:15


【文章页数】:103 页


1. Introduction
    1.1 Research background and significance
        1.1.1 Research background
        1.1.2 Research significance
    1.2 Research methodology
    1.3 Research framework
2. Literature review
    2.1 Relevant theory about customer satisfaction
        2.1.1 SERVQUAL
        2.1.2 KANO
        2.1.3 CSI
    2.2 Relevant theory about value chain
        2.2.1 The value chain
        2.2.2 The value chain of express enterprise
    2.3 The relevant researches on express service and express enterprise customer satisfaction
    2.4 The conclusion
3. The present situation of Customer Satisfaction in S Company
    3.1 Current situation of express industry in China
    3.2 Introduction about S Company and its main services
        3.2.1 Introduction about S Company
        3.2.2 Introduction of S company's main express product
    3.3 Customer Satisfaction status of S company's express business
4. Analysis on customer satisfaction of S Company's express business in Guangzhou
    4.1 Selection of index and determination of weight for customer satisfaction evaluation of S Company's express service in Guangzhou
        4.1.1 Selection and Quantification of customer satisfaction Index
        4.1.2 Setting the weight of customer satisfaction Index
    4.2 The design and implementation of the questionnaire for customer satisfaction evaluation
    4.3 The data analysis on customer satisfaction of S Company's express businessin Guangzhou
        4.3.1 Sample profile analysis
        4.3.2 The analysis on reliability and validity of questionnaire
        4.3.3 The customer satisfaction on S Company's express business in Guangzhou
        4.3.4 The analysis on specific index of customer satisfaction evaluation of S Company's express business in Guangzhou
        4.3.5 The analysis on customer satisfaction of different express product of S Company in Guangzhou
    4.4 The factors influencing customer satisfaction on S Company's express business in Guangzhou
        4.4.1 The higher express freight than other private express enterprises
        4.4.2 The less stable service quality of grass-root employees
        4.4.3 Low treatment efficiency in packages with problems or claims
5. Improvement suggestion for Customer Satisfaction of the S Company's express service in Guangzhou
    5.1 Improving perceived quality of customers for different express service
    5.2 Reducing operating costs
    5.3 Optimization of the training and incentive mechanism for grass roots staff
        5.3.1 Optimization of orientation for grass roots employees
        5.3.2 Optimization of performance appraisal for grass roots staff
        5.3.3 Optimization of incentive mechanism for grass roots staff
    5.4 Improving complaints' handling to express good service will
6. Conclusion and limitation
    6.1 Conclusion
    6.2 Limitation and prospect
        6.2.1 Limitation
        6.2.2 Prospect
附录一 快递业务满意度测评指标权重调查表(问卷一)
附录二 S公司广州地区快递业务满意度调查(问卷二)
附录三 访谈问题列表

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