本文关键词:投行声誉对IPO财务专项自查公司撤单的影响研究 出处:《复旦大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Capital market, investment banks as intermediaries, in reducing the information asymmetry, improve market efficiency, plays an important role. As a long-term investment banking market participants, their long-term performance to build a reputation, is of great significance to sustainable development of investment banks. Firstly, based on the signal theory, the issuing company to transfer of financial and business information company to investors, will choose the high reputation of underwriters, "borrow" the reputation of underwriters, to reduce the uncertainty of the IPO, and then raise the issue price. In addition, based on the theory of certification, the Underwriters will establish long-term reputation as the valuable intangible assets, in order to safeguard the reputation. The investment bank may establish more stringent standards, carefully earnings management and supervision of the issuing company due diligence, investors for good relations. Therefore, the reputation of investment banks Establishment has the vital significance in the capital market. China capital market has a history of more than 20 years. Since 1990s, Chinese capital market experienced a rapid development, and the reform of the distribution system. With several from the country leading to market oriented advancement, the role and status of investment banks as intermediaries in the capital market to start highlights.2013 IPO company's financial special self inspection work, to study the reputation of investment banks in relation to the quality of the underwriting Famian, provides a very good sample. Based on the 2013 IPO special self inspection in the trial of all financial companies as a sample, to investigate whether the reputation of investment banks Chinese mechanism has been set up in the capital market, and whether it can effectively identification of the company's financial information disclosure quality. The results of the study found that the reputation of investment banks and between the company's cancellation without possibility is remarkable The relationship shows good reputation; underwriting companies on the financial quality and authenticity of the information has more confidence and submit financial self-examination report. At the same time, found in the further study, the behavior of earnings management can effectively curb the reputation of investment banks in the company, this is the reputation of investment banks increased in an important way of trial the company is not the possibility of cancellation; can use signal theory or certification theory to explain this point. Therefore, Chinese in the capital market, the basic investment banks as intermediaries have the reputation mechanism by which is established. The investment bank as intermediary, can effectively reduce the information asymmetry between issuers and investors, improve the efficiency of the market. One point to China capital market to further deepen the reform of the distribution system, the value judgment and binding by the market is of great significance. This paper Chinese IPO market. Provide new evidence of investment bank reputation mechanism.
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