本文关键词:审计质量对上市公司借款成本的影响研究 出处:《河北经贸大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:In our country, with the rapid development of market economy, the role of the audit has become increasingly prominent, this can be seen from the accounting firm team continues to expand. Especially in recent years, the important role of stakeholders are increasingly recognized as an independent third party audit, in their investment decisions will be more rational. Pay more attention to the audit report can bring their information. When the enterprise has the demand of financing, bank loan is the main channel from external financing for banks, when the money out, the borrower can make the investment blindly or high risk investment projects, but the loss of bank the interests of the economic activities cannot be fully observe the bank, then it needs as the accounting firm of the third parties to alleviate the information asymmetry phenomenon. When the firm's audit quality is higher, the bank will More confidence in the enterprise's financial report, and will take this as the basis for decision making. This paper is the effect of audit quality on the cost of borrowing. In addition, in particular the introduction of the financial ecological environment, analysis the regulating function of financial ecological environment on the relationship between audit quality and loan interest. Check found in the previous literature data process. Study on the issue of domestic scholars and foreign scholars of the results are not consistent, can be said that the audit quality still has the effect on the cost of borrowing the value. This paper first introduces the credit contract theory of four basic theory, asymmetric information theory, signal transmission theory, the theory of financial ecological environment, based on the theory on the analysis of the relationship between audit quality and the cost of borrowing, and then put forward the assumption: one for the company to hire high quality firms to help reduce its borrowing costs; hypothesis two In the financial ecological environment in higher areas, high quality audit more small to reduce borrowing costs; assuming three compared to large enterprises, high quality audit impact on borrowing costs for small and medium-sized enterprises more intense. This paper takes the listed companies to hire a firm is the domestic "big ten" to measure the quality of auditing, payment with interest payments, cash / average total borrowing of listed companies to measure the cost of borrowing, and set up as the control variable model for empirical analysis to other factors that influence the cost of borrowing. Through empirical analysis, the conclusions are as follows: (1) employ domestic "big ten" firms audit the cost of borrowing is significantly lower. Choose "ten" domestic firm's corporate borrowing costs lower than the non employed "big ten" of the company. (2) in the financial ecological environment and better area, the cost of borrowing is also lower with. With the improvement of financial ecological environment, audit quality effect will be weakened by the financial ecological environment. (3) in small and medium-sized enterprises and large enterprises, the role of the audit quality is significantly different. Compared with large enterprises, audit quality plays a stronger role in the small and medium-sized enterprises. Based on the research conclusion, put forward the following countermeasures this paper suggests: first, enterprises employ high quality firms to reduce borrowing costs; second, improve the accounting firm's business ability to ensure audit quality; third, small and medium-sized enterprises should improve their competitive ability to reduce borrowing costs; fourth, the government should vigorously improve the financial ecological environment.
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