本文选题:高送转 切入点:超额收益 出处:《南京大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:For many years, transferring shares has been a popular way of dividend distribution for listed companies in China, although some listed companies are making high dividend transfers in order to convey to outside investors their confidence in the sustained growth of their performance. It also indicates that the company is at a stage of rapid growth, at a time when it helps the company to expand its equity capital and maintain a good image. However, some of the underperforming companies, Also adopt the hot topic of high send turn to carry on equity expansion, share price of share price after announcement of high send turn bonus plan announcement in a few days, will numerous small and medium-sized investor lock up. So what is the motive of "high send turn" of listed company? What are the characteristics of this market? How to avoid the "high transfer" cash trap? How should investors grasp the annual "high send" market? This paper attempts to study the motivation of high turnover behavior of listed companies in China by means of event analysis and multiple logistic regression analysis. Taking the stocks of listed companies in the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets from 2008 to 2012 as the research object, it is found that the signaling hypothesis can not explain the behavior of the listed companies in China's capital market. The "price illusion hypothesis" proposed by he Tao et al. (2003) has been verified in this paper: the purpose of the company's high transmission is to improve the company market value, and the higher the stock price, the more inclined companies are to carry out high transmission. Based on the research of he Tao et al. 2003, this paper makes innovations and finds out different conclusions: the proportion of the company transferring shares is not significantly related to the growth of the company, and the proportion of the company transferring shares has a significant negative correlation with the profit level in the future. This article suggests that this may be due to the fact that over the years, the company's high turnover behavior has had a significant positive effect on the company's stock price in the short term, and this impression has been deeply rooted in people's minds. Therefore, when the management of the listed company expects the company's performance to decline, it uses the low cost and low risk dividend allocation method to carry out the financing arbitrage. In order to compensate for the loss of the stock price caused by the decline in future performance. Therefore, studying the motivation of the listed companies' high turnover behavior can not only give investors a better understanding of the current situation of the listed companies as a whole, To improve the ability and vigilance of investors in information screening, and at the same time to remind the regulatory authorities to strengthen the supervision of information disclosure of listed companies, thereby protecting the interests of the vast number of investors. In addition, as an important area of behavioral finance research, It is beneficial to understand the operation of the correct stock market and the behavior preference of investors before and after the introduction of the high transmission transfer announcement of listed companies.
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