上海证券交易所 在 数学 分类中 的翻译结果
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Analysis of the volatility of the A-stock index in the Shanghai Stock Exchange
This paper selects 24 list companies that apply antidumping investigations in Shanghai Stock Exchange and Shenzhen Stock Exchange act as investigative sample.
Since the open of Shanghai Stock Exchange in December 1990 and Shenzhen Stock Exchange in March 1991, China has made a rapid development in stock market.
The research expounds the implication, the theory and the quantitative-measuring model of credit risk. Then according to the data of bonds traded in ShangHai Stock Exchange on 30 September 2004, estimates the default probability of corporate bonds traded in ShangHai Stock Exchange by using the reduced-form approach.
This paper' studying aim is to indicate whether the listed firms' dividends policy influence corporations' values or not by examining whether it exists extra earning in the declaration term of new stock of Shanghai Stock Exchange in 2003, and if it exists extra earning, how much it is from dividend and what kind of factor influence extra earning.
Analysis of the volatility of the A-stock index in the Shanghai Stock Exchange
Based on the fundamental theory of multivariate statistical analysis, employing the group of ARCH models, we discussed the non-linear structure of the Shanghai stock exchange index by examining the Shanghai stock exchange index from 1996 to 2005. Finally, we get the best model by studying the standardized residual series with BDS test and comparing the RMSE of the models.
The results show that all the single-factor models cannot match dynamic change of the short interest rate,and the CKLS model does the best among them.
this paper investigates 763 A-share public corporate listing in SHSE,explores ownership structure and organizational characteristics' effect to dividend policy.
On Factors Influencing Stock P/E Ratio
The results are that the more the price volatility measured in ultra-high-frequency (UHF) data, the more measured in 5min, 10min, 20min, 30min sampling data than in UHL data, vice versa.
Miller (1977) hypothesizes that dispersion of investor opinion in the presence of short-sale constraints leads to stock price overvaluation and the overvaluation is positively related to the level of dispersion of investor opinion.
本文通过对上海证券交易所上市A股数据的分析,通过设置虚拟变量,采用一般线性模型回归法检验证明了Edward M. Miller(1977)对于在限制卖空情况下,股票价格被高估程度与投资者观点分散程度之间存在正相关关系的理论。
shanghai stock exchange
A study of the balanced area of index's fluctuation in shanghai stock exchange
Through analysis of plenty of data of SSE (Shanghai Stock Exchange) Index and relevant economic quotas, we find that the problem of predicting SSE Index is a typical multi-variable, nonlinear one.
This paper attempts to investigate the determinants of the capital structure of a sample of 972 listed companies on the Shanghai Stock Exchange and Shenzhen Stock Exchange in China in 2003.
The Cross-Section of Stock Returns on The Shanghai Stock Exchange
This study explores the cross-sectional stock return behavior on the A-share market of the Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE), which is segmented from world's other equity markets.
the shanghai stock exchange
This paper attempts to investigate the determinants of the capital structure of a sample of 972 listed companies on the Shanghai Stock Exchange and Shenzhen Stock Exchange in China in 2003.
The Cross-Section of Stock Returns on The Shanghai Stock Exchange
This study explores the cross-sectional stock return behavior on the A-share market of the Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE), which is segmented from world's other equity markets.
Interday and intraday volatility: Additional evidence from the Shanghai Stock Exchange
However, in an attempt to combat this concern this paper deals only with the Shanghai stock exchange.
Based on theory of M arkov processes, a m odelofanalysis and forecast for buying and selling ofstocks is set up. Actual forecast and analysis has show ed that the m odel given w ill obtain the satisfactoryresult.
作为基础数学在经济运动规律分析预测方面的应用,将 M arkov 过程理论,应用于股票交易市场,对股价综合指数的涨(跌)幅度,,进行状态分类,建立起对市场运行周期、稳态概率、稳定程度、投资利润等的分析预测模型,并利用这一模型对上海证券交易所股价综合的部分历史数据作了相应的分析,得到了较为理想的结果。
In this paper, an effectively adaptive algorithm for solving log-optimal portfolio problem is proposed. It is a variant type of stochastic approximation algorithm. Since the problem considered here is a constrained optimization problem, the gradient ascent direction used conventionally is replaced by the steepest ascent tangent vector on the corresponding constraint manifold. Under some reasonable conditions, the convergence property of this algorithm is also demonstrated. Finally, this algorithm is applied...
In this paper, an effectively adaptive algorithm for solving log-optimal portfolio problem is proposed. It is a variant type of stochastic approximation algorithm. Since the problem considered here is a constrained optimization problem, the gradient ascent direction used conventionally is replaced by the steepest ascent tangent vector on the corresponding constraint manifold. Under some reasonable conditions, the convergence property of this algorithm is also demonstrated. Finally, this algorithm is applied to search optimal portfolio with real data of the Exchange Institute of Shanghai Security, the obtained numerical results are satisfactory.
The states of stock price index are divided by means of Markov processes. A model of analysis and forecast for buying and selling stocks is set up for the stock market. An eigenvalue method on stock price and its index is put forward. Actual forecast and analysis has shown that the model obtained the satisfactory result.
运用 Markov过程理论 ,对股票交易市场的股价综合指数进行状态分类 ,建立了市场的综合指数和股价波动、稳态概率的分析预测模型。提出了股票综合指数的特征值分析法 ,并利用这一模型对上海证券交易所股份综合指数的部分历史数据进行了相应的实证分析 ,获得了满意的结果。
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