[Abstract]:With the increasing pace of economic globalization and financial internationalization, the closer economic exchanges between countries, the financial market has been in a state of rapid development, but the financial security problem has become more serious. Since 2008, There have been two major economic crises in the United States and in Europe, which have spread to many countries and have hurt their economies. This kind of economic phenomenon that a single institution has a risk impact on other financial institutions directly or indirectly, even the whole financial market, is called systemic risk spillover. The trend of our country's financial market opening to the outside world is increasing. However, in the financial field which is not very sound in our country, banks are in the core position of the whole economy. Their close business transactions and complex network structure make a single bank at risk. The whole banking system will have a domino effect. The risk of a single bank will spill over through the channel of communication between banks, which will bring huge losses to the whole banking system and even to the whole economy and society. It is very important to study the systemic risk spillover effect of listed commercial banks in terms of their scale and economic status. In this paper, the weekly return sequence of 16 listed commercial banks from June 15, 2012 to March 31, 2015 is taken as the research object. Firstly, the VaR model and the CoVaR model based on quantile regression are used to measure the risk value level of 16 listed commercial banks, and the results obtained from the two models are compared, and the following conclusions are drawn: (1) the ratio CoVaR model is more effective than the VaR model. Secondly, the risk spillover effects of 16 listed commercial banks are compared and explained. According to the nature of 16 listed commercial banks, they are divided into three categories: state-owned commercial banks, joint-stock commercial banks and urban commercial banks. The conclusions are as follows: the increase of interbank correlation degree affects the degree of systemic risk; the scale of bank has significant influence on risk spillover effect; and the risk spillover effect is not completely affected by bank risk control. Then according to the results of empirical analysis, six suggestions are put forward: to improve the bank's own risk resistance level, to establish the system of bank systematic risk measurement, to restrict commercial banks from engaging in high-risk business, to adjust the focus of bank supervision, and to set up a bank capital protection proposal. Learn from international experience in dealing with systemic risk. In this paper, the results of data analysis and the probability of bank systemic risk in reality are combined to explain the systemic risk of the bank, which is an innovative angle of the research. However, among the listed commercial banks in China, some banks have a late listing time, and the data range studied is relatively short, which can not fully explain the systemic risk spillover effect of these banks. Therefore, it is necessary to use the same method to calculate the problem again in a few years, and compare the result with the present one.
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