[Abstract]:Based on the analysis of the characteristics of the Chinese stock companies that have been privatized from 2010 to 2016 and those that have never been proposed, this paper examines the motivation and the source of premium for the privatizations of Chinese companies. The results show that the undistributed free cash flow is higher, the company market value is seriously underestimated, and the value of residual tax shield is higher. The high liquidity of assets and the improvement of domestic market environment will increase the probability of privatizing and delisting. In addition, we find that the premium level of delisting is mainly determined by the level of free cash flow of the target company, the degree of undervaluation, and the market environment in which the management holds the shares and the domestic domicile. This paper verifies the traditional theory of delisting by using the sample of privatisation of China's general stock and proves for the first time the influence of the improvement of domestic market environment on the delisting decision of the overseas listed companies in China.
【作者单位】: 北京大学光华管理学院;中国社会科学院金融研究所;
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