[Abstract]:Based on the gem data of listed companies from 2009 to 2015, this paper empirically examines the effect of venture capital and underwriter reputation on the pricing efficiency of IPO based on the differentiation of primary and secondary markets. It is found that the proportion of venture capital holding shares in the primary market can significantly weaken the pricing efficiency of IPO, indicating that the "reputation seeking hypothesis" has a greater impact on the pricing efficiency of IPO than the "certification hypothesis" in China, but this relationship does not hold true in the secondary market; The higher the reputation of venture capital in the primary market, the higher the pricing efficiency of IPO, while the opposite is the conclusion in the secondary market. High-reputable underwriters in the primary market can weaken the negative correlation between venture capital holding ratio and IPO pricing efficiency, but there is no similar conclusion in the secondary market. In short, the impact of venture capital and underwriter reputation on IPO pricing efficiency is different in the primary and secondary markets. This conclusion helps us to better understand the pricing efficiency of gem level and secondary market.
【作者单位】: 湖南大学工商管理学院;
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