[Abstract]:As an important part of China's financial reform, the reform of registration system is undoubtedly the future direction of the development of the capital market. However, at present, relevant laws and regulations, market mechanisms, The system of supervision and the level of supervision are not matched with the registration system. Under the present conditions, it is difficult and risky to push forward the reform of the registration system quickly and forcefully, which is likely to exceed the expectation. Ideally, the registration system means that the applicant for securities issuance makes public all information and information related to the issue of securities in accordance with the law and makes them legal documents for submission to the competent authority or the exchange for examination, and the competent authority or exchange only makes public the information and information related to the issue of securities.
【作者单位】: 同济大学财经研究所;同济大学;
【基金】:国家社会科学基金规划项目(10BGJ019) 国家社科基金决策咨询点研究项目(13JCD009)研究成果之一
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