本文关键词:公用事业民营化问题研究 出处:《中央民族大学》2005年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 公用事业 民营经济 自然垄断 垄断经营 管制
【摘要】:在我国,公用事业长期以来被视为自然垄断行业,国有经济比重高、传统计划经济影响深远、竞争机制严重不足,多数采取政企合一的部门管理方式,通过指令性的方式授权行业垄断部门担任项目业主,从而构成了民营资本进入的天然屏障。投资主体单一化的格局一直没有根本性的改变,政府对基础设施和公共产品只投入不收益,只建设不经营,公用事业的提供和经营已经成为困扰政府的一个越来越严重的问题。随着我国由计划经济体制向市场经济体制转轨的深入进行,放松管制、创造宽松环境、大力扶植民营经济发展的呼声日益高涨,各地方公用事业改革的进展也较快,公用事业民营化已经成为政府管理部门和理论研究者关注的热点。 推进我国的公用事业民营化进程,不但可以减轻政府的财政负担、满足社会不断扩大的对公用事业的需求,还能够提高投资与运营效率和促进民营经济的壮大。但其在我国的理论研究和实践探索尚处于初始阶段,理论争议和实践问题较为突出。借鉴发达国家在这一领域的经验,对公用事业的提供主体、方式和效益等方面进行适度的民营化改革,引导、鼓励民营经济通过有效形式参与其生产经营,是可以取得显著的成效的,同时也会成为我国民营经济发展和深化政府职能改革的新的重大契机。 但是不同于一般竞争性产业,公用事业具有一定的公益性,与公众生产生活息息相关,关乎国民经济发展和社会稳定。改革后的公用事业产业、产品的质量、价格和经营对自然环境和社会环境的综合影响将会是长期而深远的。而从政府角度而言,公用事业民营化改革同时也是对政府职能以公共服务为导向的改革。因此,既要加快政府行政管理体制改革,转变政府职能、放宽市场准入限制,打破垄断经营,又要规范和加强公用事业民营化的政府管制,在公用事业民营化过程中保证公众利益、防止私人、少数利益集团利用改革的缝隙假公济私,以牺牲大众利益为代价谋取私利,把公用事业民营化纳入健康、良性的改革轨道。 本文共分为三章。第一章是公用事业民营化的基本理论,主要包括三部分:公用事业与民营化的基本范畴、国外公用事业民营化的理论综述以及我国学术界对此的理论证明。第二章对公用事业民营化进行了实证分析,包括国外公用事业民营化的实证分析和近年来我国公用事业民营化的实践探索。第三章分析了推动公用事业民营化改革的政策措施,是本文的重点部分。这部分从创造良好环境、规范和加强政府管制的角度对公用事业民营化改革进行了政策建议,并对公用事业民营化的路径选择和制度安排进行了探索。 本文主要采用了历史唯物主义、分析与综合、从一般到特殊、理论 研究与实证分析的方法,以及定性研究与定量研究的方法。论文的写作 参考了许多国内外学者有关公用事业民营化的研究成果,通过独立的思 考和深入的研究,试图以更全面的角度分析我国公用事业民营化的问题, 并根据我国的具体情况提出了一些推进公用事业民营化健康、良性、进 展的具体措施。 关键词:公用事业,民营经济,自然垄断,垄断经营,管制 门乡·
[Abstract]:In our country, public utilities has long been regarded as a natural monopoly industry, the proportion of state-owned economy, the traditional planned economy has far-reaching influence, the competition mechanism is seriously insufficient, most take Zhengqigeyi management mode, through the mandatory way authorized monopoly department as the project owners, which constitute a natural barrier of private capital to enter. The situation of simple investment subject has no fundamental change, governments for infrastructure and public goods not only invest income, not only the construction management, and provide management of public utilities has become a troubled government more and more serious problems with China's transition from planned economy to market economy in depth for deregulation, to create a relaxed environment, vigorously support the development of private economy is growing, in the local public utilities reform is also faster, public utilities It has become the focus of government management and theoretical researchers.
To promote our country public utilities privatization process, can not only reduce the financial burden of the government, to meet the growing social demand for public utilities, but also can improve the operation efficiency and to promote investment and strengthen the private economy. But its theory research and practice in China is still in the initial stage, the controversial theory and practice problems more prominent. Learn from the experience of developed countries in this field, the main of public utilities, and benefits and other aspects of the moderate privatization reform, guide, encourage the private economy to participate in the production and operation of the effective form, can be achieved remarkable results, but also will become China's private economic development and deepening the reform of government functions of the new major opportunity.
But different from the general competitive industry, has certain public utilities, and is closely related to the public life, to promote the development of national economy and social stability. After the reform of public utilities industry, product quality, price and performance will be comprehensive influence on the natural environment and social environment is long and profound. And from the perspective of the government in terms of privatization of public utilities is also on the reform of government functions and public service oriented. Therefore, we must speed up the reform of the administrative system, the transformation of government functions, relax restrictions on market access, breaking the monopoly, but also to regulate and strengthen the privatization of public utilities and government regulation, to ensure the public interest in the privatization of public utilities business process to prevent private, minority interest groups use gap jobbery reform, at the expense of the public good for personal gain, the public utilities privatization Integration into a healthy, benign track of reform.
This paper is divided into three chapters. The first chapter is the basic theory of the privatization of public utilities, mainly includes three parts: the basic category of public utilities and privatization, summarizes the theory of privatization of public utilities in our country and foreign academic circles. In the second chapter, theoretical proof on the privatization of public utilities is analyzed, including private the utility of foreign empirical analysis and practice in recent years, the privatization of public utilities in China. The third chapter analyzes the exploration to promote the privatization of public utilities reform policies and measures, is the key part of this paper. In this part, to create a good environment, standardizing and strengthening government regulation of public utilities privatization reform policy recommendations and, on the privatization of public utilities the path selection and institutional arrangements are explored.
This article mainly adopts historical materialism, analysis and synthesis, from the general to the special, the theory.
Methods of research and empirical analysis, and methods of qualitative and quantitative research.
The research results of many domestic and foreign scholars on the privatization of public utilities have been referred to.
Research and in-depth study, trying to analyze the problem of privatization of public utilities in a more comprehensive way.
And according to the specific situation of our country, it has put forward some healthy, benign and advanced privatization of public utilities.
The concrete measures of the exhibition.
Key words: public utilities, private economy, natural monopoly, monopoly management, control
Door village
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