[Abstract]:This issue is a summary of the 2011 High-level Forum on Human Development Economics. Experts and scholars in this forum have both confrontation and consensus on the definition, theoretical basis or ideological source, research object, research method, discipline construction and legal guarantee of human development economics. There are mainly four views on the definition of human development economics, among which the theory that human development economics is the law of "interrelation" between human development and economic movement is the most prominent. The ideological basis and theoretical sources are mainly Marxist human development economics, western philosophy human development economics, Chinese Confucian human development economics and fusion horse, west, In the integrated human development economics of four systems. The starting point of human development economics is mainly from the point of view of relations of production and from the needs of human beings. Professor Hu Jun, editor-in-chief Wu Wenqiang, Professor Xu Jiankang and Professor Xu Chongzheng were the most representative. Research methods include "three combination, three main (normative and empirical combination, mainly normative; qualitative and quantitative combination, qualitative and qualitative, historical and logical combination, mainly logic)", field investigation, case analysis, Empirical analysis, but also from the practice to find "short board" and so on. The subject orientation of human development economics has four kinds of cognition: the branch of political economy, parallel to political economy, cross discipline and applied economics. In terms of legal protection, some scholars believe that the economics of human development should proceed from human rights, use humanism or humanism as a guiding concept and absorb the idea of "integration of nature and man". Legal arrangements are used to standardize and institutionalize the beneficial results of economic development, or to incorporate human development into the national law through "human rights into the constitution".
【作者单位】: 国家发展和改革委员会经济研究所;
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