[Abstract]:Comrade Ulanhu is an outstanding leader among the ethnic minorities in China, an outstanding leader of the party and state ethnic work who has both deep theoretical attainments and rich practical experience. In the long-term pastoral work has created the rich pastoral area actual work experience, has formed has the scientific, the region, the time nature, the people, the strategic, the innovative thought system. In Ulanhu's ideological system, the practice and experience of developing the cooperative ideology in pastoral areas can solve the problems existing in the development of cooperatives in pastoral areas. The construction of socialist harmonious pastoral area and the innovation and development of Ulanhu's pastoral work theory are of great practical significance. This paper systematically summarizes Ulanhu's thought of developing pastoral cooperatives into two problems: the relationship between government and pastoral cooperatives and the internal construction of pastoral cooperatives. Among them, the relationship between government and pastoral cooperatives includes that the government should encourage the development of herdsmen's cooperatives to form an effective transaction coordination mechanism in pastoral areas, and the government should actively guide and support the development of pastoral cooperatives. The government should carry out the steady principle in the process of developing the co-operatives in pastoral areas, and the government must respect the choice of the herdsmen in the process of developing the co-operatives in pastoral areas. The internal construction problems of pastoral cooperatives include advocating to strengthen the internal governance of herdsmen's cooperatives, allowing cooperatives to have different names and forms, and advocating the establishment of pastoral cooperatives in the form of joint stock system. According to the actual situation of pastoral areas, the scale of cooperatives should be reasonably determined, and the combination of nomadic settlement and mutual aid and cooperation between herdsmen should be advocated in grassland pastoral areas. For Ulanhu to develop the cooperative thought part of pastoral area is mainly to use the original works to reflect its ideological content objectively and comprehensively. The enlightenment part is based on Ulanhu's thought of developing the cooperative in pastoral areas, and analyzes the cooperative theory and relevant economic theory as well as the practice of pastoral areas, and points out its important reference value and guiding significance for the development of pastoral cooperatives. On this basis, some basic conclusions are drawn.
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