本文关键词:JT港设备维修管理体系优化 出处:《河北工业大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 港口 设备维修管理 维修模式 组织流程 优化
[Abstract]:Port is an important node in the logistics and transportation system. Loading and unloading efficiency is the core competitiveness of port enterprises, and the level of automation and maintenance of port machinery and equipment. The purpose of the research on port equipment maintenance management is to improve the reliability of the equipment operation, reduce the failure rate of the equipment, and reduce the downtime of the equipment failure. In recent years, the purpose of the research is to improve the reliability of the equipment operation, reduce the failure rate of the equipment, and reduce the downtime of the equipment. JT port cargo throughput rapidly increased, the number of port machinery and equipment increased exponentially, the current equipment maintenance management system is difficult to adapt to the rapid development of the port needs. It is imperative to optimize the design of JT port equipment maintenance management system. This paper takes JT port as the object of study, first describes the current situation of JT port equipment maintenance management system. Through the analysis to find out the equipment maintenance management problems; Then, aiming at the problems existing in the equipment maintenance management of JT Port, the concrete optimal design scheme is put forward. Finally, according to the characteristics of equipment maintenance management in JT Port, the paper gives some suggestions for the implementation of the optimized scheme. This paper establishes a scientific maintenance model by effectively integrating the equipment maintenance resources of JT Port. Optimizing the maintenance organization structure and maintenance process is of great significance to improve the equipment maintenance quality and maintenance efficiency of JT Port. At present, the competition of port enterprises is becoming more and more fierce, and the level of equipment maintenance management is low. The optimal design of equipment maintenance management system in port enterprises is of reference value for improving the level of equipment maintenance management in port enterprises in China.
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