本文选题:时空维度 切入点:国际贸易 出处:《北京交通大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:当今社会,经济活动的时空特性日益凸显,时空关系或时空结构已成为社会经济研究中不可忽视的重要内容,而传统的研究方法或注重空间维度而忽视时间维度,或注重时间维度而忽视空间维度,缺乏二者的结合统一。如果能从时空结合的视角下去探究问题,那么会给我们带来更多启示。国际贸易中的商品运输是在时空中完成的,因此运输必然要克服空间距离,克服空间距离必然要耗费时间,故国际贸易中的商品运输正是极具时空结合特性的经济活动。 本文力求突破传统,在国际贸易大背景下对运输成本问题作了专门研究,本文的重点,同时也是创新点集中于:运用新的研究方法——时空分析研究问题;从时空维度出发给予国际贸易中运输成本新的定义,并对要素和组成部分等进行详细论述;提出并描述了时空距离一致性概念,基于位移链条构建了运输成本的数学表达式,并对正常停滞和非正常停滞作了区分;通过实证对比分析以及上述理论研究,得出对减少运输成本的思考和启示。 通过研究,本文认为国际贸易中运输成本是克服空间距离和时间距离的代价总和,同时要特别重视时滞成本对运输的影响;影响国际贸易中运输成本的时空因素包括地理区位、运输基础设施、运输方式、商品类型和区域贸易一体化程度;减少运输成本,应从集装箱运输、运输基础设施、控制时间距离的方法与策略、制度和政策、运输方式选择和商品类型匹配程度等方面综合予以考虑。同时,要合理把握和掌控运输的时空关系,充分重视“本地比较优势”,明确参与国际贸易的商品类型,对扩大对外贸易还是增加内需要理性看待。
[Abstract]:In today's society, the space-time characteristics of economic activities are increasingly prominent. The space-time relationship or space-time structure has become an important content in social and economic research, while the traditional research methods focus on the spatial dimension and ignore the time dimension.Or pays attention to the time dimension but neglects the space dimension, lacks the union of the two.If we can explore the problem from the perspective of time-space combination, it will bring us more enlightenment.The commodity transportation in international trade is completed in time and space, so it is necessary to overcome the space distance and to overcome the space distance. Therefore, the commodity transportation in international trade is an economic activity with the characteristics of space-time combination.This paper tries to break through the tradition, and makes a special research on the transportation cost under the background of international trade. The emphasis of this paper is also the innovation in: using the new research method-time and space analysis to study the problem;This paper gives a new definition of transportation cost in international trade from the dimension of time and space, discusses the elements and components in detail, puts forward and describes the concept of space-time distance consistency, and constructs the mathematical expression of transportation cost based on displacement chain.It also makes a distinction between normal stagnation and abnormal stagnation, and through empirical comparative analysis and above theoretical research, draws the thinking and inspiration to reduce transportation cost.Through the research, this paper thinks that the transportation cost in international trade is the sum of the cost of overcoming the space distance and time distance, at the same time, we should pay special attention to the influence of the delay cost on the transportation, the spatio-temporal factors that influence the transportation cost in the international trade include geographical location.Transport infrastructure, modes of transport, commodity types and degree of regional trade integration; reduction of transport costs should be based on container transport, transport infrastructure, methods and strategies to control time distances, systems and policies,The choice of transportation mode and the matching degree of commodity type should be considered synthetically.At the same time, we should reasonably grasp and control the space-time relationship of transportation, fully attach importance to "local comparative advantage", and make clear the types of commodities participating in international trade.
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