本文选题:综合竞争力 + 因子分析法 ; 参考:《广西大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:随着我国经济持续高速增长,对航空运输的需求不断增强,中国航空运输业迎来了广阔的发展空间。为满足国民经济快速发展的要求,中国民航局在十二五规划中明确提出了建设民航强国的战略规划,中央和地方政府不断加大对民用航空业基础设施的投入,特别是加大了对民用机场的建设力度。预计到2020年,我国民用机场的数量将达到244个,机场数量的大幅增加必将导致机场之间的竞争更加激烈。 桂林机场作为国家重要的旅游机场,每年吸引着大量的国内外游客前来观光旅游,其客流量持续增长,曾一直领跑于广西的航空市场。随着各省市民航战略的推出和机场的发展壮大,桂林机场的龙头地位逐渐被南宁机场取代。如何增强桂林机场的竞争力,如何获得长期稳定的竞争优势,己成为桂林机场当前迫切需要研究和解决的重要课题。 本文以机场竞争力为研究主题,研究了机场的运营特性和影响机场竞争力的因素,构建出机场竞争力形成与持续发展的模型,并以此为基础,设计了一套具有特色的机场竞争力评价指标,从网络连通性、服务质量、运营规模、经营效益、机场建设、发展环境和旅游环境等七个方面综合分析桂林机场的竞争力,并运用因子分析法,将桂林机场与周边省市的机场作比较。同时应用SWOT方法分析桂林机场的优势和劣势、面临的机遇和挑战,结合测评结果及分析指标情况,提出桂林机场竞争力提升对策,包括加大政府投入,完善基础设施;拓宽非航业务收入;加大开通东盟国家的国际航线,增加国际商务和旅游客源;延伸服务触角、吸引周边客源;发挥旅游特色,扩大旅游市场和增开旅游航线;积极融入大交通运营体系,构建多式联运;深化改革和创新力度,以品牌营销提升服务。通过上述研究,旨在为促进中小机场的又好又快发展提供有益的决策支持和参考借鉴。
[Abstract]:With the sustained rapid economic growth and the increasing demand for air transportation, China's air transport industry has welcomed a broad space for development. In order to meet the requirements of the rapid development of the national economy, the Civil Aviation Administration of China has clearly put forward a strategic plan for building a strong civil aviation power in the 12th Five-Year Plan. The central and local governments have continuously increased their investment in the infrastructure of the civil aviation industry. In particular, the construction of civil airports has been stepped up. It is estimated that by 2020, the number of civil airports in China will reach 244, and the large increase in the number of airports will lead to more fierce competition between airports. Guilin Airport, as an important tourist airport in China, attracts a large number of tourists from home and abroad every year, and its passenger flow continues to grow, and it has been leading the aviation market in Guangxi. With the introduction of civil aviation strategy and the development of airports, the leading position of Guilin Airport is gradually replaced by Nanning Airport. How to enhance the competitiveness of Guilin Airport and how to obtain the long-term stable competitive advantage has become an urgent need to study and solve the important subject of Guilin Airport. Based on the study of airport competitiveness, this paper studies the operational characteristics of airports and the factors that affect airport competitiveness, and builds a model for the formation and sustainable development of airport competitiveness. This paper designs a set of characteristic airport competitiveness evaluation indexes, analyzes the competitiveness of Guilin airport comprehensively from seven aspects, such as network connectivity, service quality, operation scale, operation efficiency, airport construction, development environment and tourism environment. And the use of factor analysis, Guilin airport and the surrounding provinces and cities to compare the airport. At the same time, using SWOT method to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of Guilin Airport, the opportunities and challenges faced by Guilin Airport, combined with the evaluation results and the analysis of indicators, put forward the measures to enhance the competitiveness of Guilin Airport, including increasing government investment, improving infrastructure; Broaden the income of non-air services; expand the opening of international routes of ASEAN countries and increase the international business and tourist resources; extend the service tentacles to attract the surrounding sources of tourists; give play to the characteristics of tourism, expand the tourism market and increase the number of tourist routes; Actively integrate into the large traffic operation system, build multimodal transport, deepen the reform and innovation, and promote the service by brand marketing. Through the above research, the purpose is to provide useful decision support and reference for promoting the good and fast development of small and medium-sized airports.
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