[Abstract]:The balance of supply and demand of logistics enterprises is the most complex part of logistics management. The optimization method has always been the focus of the academic circle. The development and research of this kind of problems have some theoretical significance and practical value. The highway logistics is an important part of the modern logistics system, and the transportation cost accounts for the ratio of the logistics cost. The main content of this paper is to introduce the concept of safe transport capacity and evaluate it, and provide a new way of thinking for the optimization of logistics enterprise resources.
First, based on the evaluation of the existing logistics enterprises' transportation capacity at home and abroad, the composition of highway transportation capacity is analyzed, and the basic connotation of safety transportation capacity is put forward according to the characteristics of space-time difference of transportation resources, and the direction and meaning of this problem in modern logistics are discussed. Secondly, the current situation of logistics enterprises in China is analyzed. Transportation characteristics and shortcomings, and compare with railway transportation, military logistics industry, excavate the evaluation experience of highway transportation capacity. Third, comprehensive evaluation experience and the characteristics of highway transportation, construction of logistics enterprise highway transportation capacity evaluation index system, and the related indicators are defined and analyzed. Fourth, BP neural network With good nonlinear mapping ability, the input / output data of the model can be obtained through the learning of the network itself, and the weights and parameters of the modeling object are not much required. On this basis, the evaluation model of safety transport capacity is established from three stages, and the model is realized with the help of the BP neural network. Finally, taking the AAA logistics enterprise in Southwest China as an example, the rationality of the model is verified.
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