[Abstract]:Our country has a vast territory, each area is affected by the natural condition and the social economic condition, the economic development is very unbalanced. At the same time, there are obvious differences in the development of transportation in our country. As the basic industry of our country, the rapid development of transportation industry in recent years can not be ignored. It is of great necessity and practical significance to study the regional difference of transportation development and its influence on the regional economy of our country. This paper begins to introduce the domestic and foreign research status of transportation development, highlighting the research results and contributions of China in recent years, and then according to the research content and research ideas of this paper, put forward the innovative points of this paper; The second chapter summarizes the related theories of transportation development and the influence mechanism of transportation on regional economic development, which lays the foundation for the following research. Chapter three and four are the focus of the research. The third chapter concretely measures and analyzes the regional difference of China's transportation development, and according to the level of transportation development, uses the cluster analysis method to divide our country into three kinds of areas; The fourth chapter studies the influence of transportation development on regional economy in China, discusses its impact on regional economy from different characteristics of transportation, introduces co-integration theory, and establishes panel data model for quantitative analysis. This paper discusses the influence of traffic scale, foundation and development on the economic development of three regions. The research results show that there are great regional differences in the development of transportation in China, and the imbalance of transportation development among different regions is significant. In general, the eastern coastal areas of China are developed in traffic and transportation. The central and western regions are relatively backward in transportation. The impact of transportation on economic development is also different. According to the regional classification of the level of transport development, the port transport and road transport in the first category have a greater impact on the economy. The second type of regional road transportation and railway transport make a great contribution to economic development, the third type of regional air passenger transport plays an important role, at the same time, the role of road transport and railway transport can not be ignored. According to the research results, China should develop transportation industry according to local conditions and promote regional economic development. Finally, this paper summarizes the research conclusions, puts forward the relevant policy recommendations to promote the development of transportation in China, and prospects the future research direction.
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