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发布时间:2018-08-02 20:32
[Abstract]:The question of the authority of the government is old and new. Since the existence of the country, various countries in the world have been controlled by the government in the field of alternation, constantly developing and changing. In recent years, the western countries have gradually transferred the field of government control from the economy to the society, and the regulation of the economic field is becoming less and less, which is related to the social security, environment, health and other fields of regulation is gradually increasing. At the same time, the ways and means of regulation are gradually changing, from mandatory regulation to incentive control, leaving room for free development of market competition, and repaying attention to the ability of market order to solve problems. At present, China's socialist market economy is born out of a planned economy, although the Chinese government has drastically reduced its scope of centralized economic control, and has introduced related policies to reduce a large number of administrative examination and approval reforms. But regulations are still in place in some industries, such as the taxi industry. There are always certain beliefs and theoretical bases behind regulatory decisions. Whether the effect of government regulation is consistent with its original intention, whether the theory on which the regulation is based can stand the test, whether the regulatory policy can respond to the exogenous changes of information technology and economic structure in a timely manner; Government regulation tends to solve short-term problems quickly and always neglects the long-term consequences that appear slowly. These are worthy of our reflection and review of current regulatory policies. Co-evolution of technology and institution (the so-called co-evolution means that it is not one-way who decides who, for example, institution determines technological innovation, but sometimes technological innovation forces institutional reform). As far as the present situation is concerned, many new factors have been added to the taxi industry, such as taxi hailing software, special car, etc., all of which are changing the traditional taxi pattern, forcing the taxi industry to be market-oriented, and examining the regulation policy of the taxi industry. It is not unreasonable to regulate the taxi industry. As a part of public transport, taxis are related to the public interest and public safety. But how to manage is a core issue. In 2015, the NDRC's opinion on deepening the reform of the economic system also mentioned the reform of the taxi industry, and Yiwu, Zhejiang Province, also took the lead in carrying out the field reform. However, the effect in the whole country is not remarkable, the original pattern of taxi industry is as firm as gold, the cost of government regulation is greater than the income, and the government regulation is changing day by day, but the effect of "should" government regulation is far from the actual control effect. On the basis of affirming the necessity of government regulation in taxi industry, By using the relevant theories of government control prisoners and the experience of taxi control in typical areas at home and abroad, the focus is on how the government carries out efficient regulation in the taxi industry and meets the requirements of economic and social development.


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