[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, Yanbian Highway traffic capacity and service level has greatly improved, the results are gratifying. In the period of the 11th Five-Year Plan alone, the total investment of the highway construction in Yanbian area was 13.82 billion yuan, and the newly rebuilt highway was 4800 kilometers, an increase of 1000 kilometers over the original plan. The mileage of the highway opened to traffic in the whole state reached 8733.6 km, 2339.6 km more than the end of the Tenth Five-Year Plan. The density of the highway reached 20.5 km / 100 km2, 4.1 percentage points higher than the original plan and 5.5% higher than the end of the 10th Five-Year Plan. The mileage of expressways reached 264.8 kilometers; the mileage of highways above the second class reached 2048.4 kilometers, accounting for 23.5.The proportion of highways, second class and above, were all connected to asphalt (cement) roads in the townships (towns), which topped the top 100% of the province's total mileage. The asphalt (cement) road rate of Tongcheng Village has reached 84.7 percent, 36.4 percentage points higher than that of the end of the 10th Five-Year Plan. In August 2009, the state approved the implementation of the construction of the Changji Tu development and opening pilot area. This is a national effort to adapt to the international community. The important strategic choice made by the development of the new domestic situation is of great significance to the overall development of Jilin Province and the whole northeast region. In accordance with the spirit of the plan outline, the important content of the Changjitu open pilot area will be the construction of regional passageways. The highway is still the most common and important mode of transportation in Yanbian, and Yanbian, as a frontier development and open area, Undertaking the arduous task of highway passage construction, the further reconstruction of highway is more important. In front of achievements and opportunities, we must soberly realize the existing problems in Yanbian highway construction. Construction can not be separated from funds, which financing way or channel can provide a strong guarantee for the construction of Yanbian highway in the future is our concern. Based on the analysis and study of the concept and classification of highway, the concept and classification of financing and the current financing policy of highway construction in China, this paper analyzes the characteristics, background and examples of the financing of highway construction in Yanbian. Strive to explore the necessity and feasibility of Yanbian highway construction financing, the concrete analysis of the Yanbian highway construction representative project financing examples, including highway, highway network engineering above the second level, At the same time, it focuses on the analysis of the impact of domestic bank loans, highway fee subsidies, relief for work and transfer of charge rights on the projects. Finally, two comparative methods, vertical and horizontal, are adopted to evaluate the effect of project financing. This paper points out the shortcomings and defects in the financing of Yanbian highway construction at present, and puts forward some relevant suggestions in order to promote and guarantee the development of Yanbian highway.
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