[Abstract]:The evolution of transportation network provides the basis for the optimization of regional tourism spatial structure. According to the actual situation of the regional traffic and tourism in Wuling Mountain area, according to the traffic accessibility model and the gravity model of tourism economic connection, taking the Wuling Mountain area as an example, three time cutoff points, such as 2005 / 2010 and 2015, are selected. This paper analyzes the effects of the evolution of regional traffic accessibility on the optimization of regional tourism spatial structure, constructs the coupled coordination evaluation model of transportation and tourism economy, and measures quantitatively the intrinsic coupling coordination mechanism of the two systems. The results are as follows: (1) the traffic accessibility model illustrates that the maximum value of traffic accessibility in Enshi Prefecture is 3.77, followed by the value of 2.94 in Zhangjiajie. (2) Gravity model studies the tourism economic connection degree between Huaihua city and Enshi prefecture reached 5.713 in the early stage, and the tourism economic connection degree with Xiangxi prefecture is the most. The small is only 1.375, and the balance in Zhangjiajie is about 3.5. (3) the coupled coordination evaluation model shows that Zhangjiajie has the largest degree of coupling and coordination, Xiangxi and Huaihua belong to the second gradient, while Tongren and Qianjiang still have a lot of room for development. All these fully confirm that the evolution of transportation network and the optimization of regional tourism spatial structure have mutual feedback mechanism.
【作者单位】: 湖南师范大学旅游学院;
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