[Abstract]:Container as a part of the assets of the liner company, its equipment directly determines the liner company in a certain period of time fixed cost of container expenses. With the ups and downs of the economy, container demand in the market is also ups and downs. After the outbreak of the subprime mortgage crisis, the volume of trade dropped sharply and the liner company had a serious surplus of shipping capacity and containers. However, with the economic recovery, the volume of trade rose rapidly, and there was a shortage of container supply for the whole industry. As the node of route transportation, port is the source and destination of heavy container generation. It is the storage warehouse of empty container, which plays a role of buffer and control in the transportation and transformation of empty container. In the ever-changing market, the reasonable allocation of containers in Hong Kong plays an important role in the operating income of liner companies. Starting from the ultimate goal of the liner company to meet the demand of container transportation service and to improve its profitability, this paper revolves around the factors affecting the quantity of container in Hong Kong and the loading and unloading of containers in Hong Kong. The flow process of empty container in port is analyzed, and the management system of port container is discussed and studied. Through the study of the characteristics of the current port container problem and the adaptability of the system dynamics method, this paper demonstrates the unique advantages and perspectives of the system dynamics in the study of the empty container inventory, the empty container lease and the volume of the container in the port. This method can perfect the theory system of port container management in the research of port container. Finally, the model of empty container configuration based on system dynamics and the control method and train of thought of container allocation are put forward. During this period, this paper also pays special attention to the influence of the cargo owner in the container circulation process and its important role, and the influence of the demand fluctuation of the time factor on the container. At the same time, the influence of spatial unbalance of cargo flow on container in port is considered.
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