[Abstract]:With the implementation of the western development strategy, the state has intensified the construction of the railway network in the western minority areas, and the railway in the western minority areas has ushered in a period of great development, but before the large-scale implementation of the railway construction projects, It is very important to carry on the economic evaluation to it, and in the past, the railway construction project in the western minority area is relatively few, the research on the economic evaluation of its project is even less, based on this, This paper provides a certain theoretical basis for the implementation of railway construction projects in ethnic minority areas through the study of the social and economic benefits of railway construction projects in ethnic minority areas of Gansu Province. This paper first analyzes the contents of the economic evaluation index system of railway construction projects, and then points out that the construction of railway construction projects in the minority areas of Gansu Province, where the financial situation of the projects is relatively poor, should pay more attention to the study of its social benefits. The social and economic benefits which play a leading role are selected as the research object from the social benefit influence factors. Then, by analyzing the general situation of social and economic development in ethnic minority areas in Gansu Province, and using principal component analysis, the contribution rate of the main factors in the social and economic benefits of ethnic minority areas in Gansu Province is determined. According to the contribution rate, three major research factors of social and economic benefit of regional railway construction project are determined: GDPP, passenger and freight transport. By analyzing the basic theoretical knowledge of system dynamics and the relationship between railway and economy in ethnic areas of Gansu Province, this paper constructs a causal cycle structure between various factors. Then the dynamic model of regional economy-railway system is established with the aid of Vensim software, and the relationship between railway construction and regional economic development in minority areas is simulated dynamically by computer. At the same time, the research factors of regional social and economic benefits with railway construction projects are determined by the model. Then the time response equation is optimized by studying the GM (1K1) prediction model, and the variation of regional social and economic benefit research factors in the absence of railway construction project is calculated according to the optimized GM (1K1) model. Through the comparative analysis of railway construction projects, it is concluded that the difference between the two cases is the contribution value of railway construction projects to regional social and economic benefits. If the difference is large, the more the necessity of railway construction in this area can be reflected. Finally, taking the Lanhe Railway Construction Project as an example, based on the basic economic data of the minority areas along the Lanhe Railway, Combining the regional economic-railway system dynamics model with the railway construction project and the optimized GM (1Q1) model with no railway construction project, The differences between the social and economic factors of the ethnic minority areas along the Lanhe railway construction project are obtained, and the differences are relatively obvious. At the same time, from the development of mineral tourism resources in Linxia Gannan Prefecture, the regional society is stable. The importance of the construction of Lanhe Railway is explained qualitatively in terms of environmental protection, and the feasibility and necessity of the construction of Lanhe Railway are pointed out through the combination of quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis.
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