[Abstract]:In the 21st century, with the economic globalization and the strengthening of regional integration, the status and role of international shipping center is increasing in the rapid economic and social development of various countries. This promotion promotes the upgrading of the function of the international shipping center. In view of the future development of international shipping center, scholars put forward the concept of the third generation international shipping center, but its connotation is different. In the course of the evolution from the first generation to the third generation, the function and structure of the international shipping center have been changed with the development of society and economy, and it has gradually exceeded the status of independent node. Become an important link in the world shipping supply chain. However, in the study of the intergenerational division of international shipping centers, most scholars put forward the stage of development and typical characteristics of international shipping centers, but they still remain in the discussion of general characterization or only the development of a generation of international shipping centers. The research on the intergenerational ownership of an international shipping center is almost blank. The strategic decision of establishing Tianjin North International Shipping Center is another important decision to accelerate economic and social development after Shanghai International Shipping Center and Dalian Northeast Asia International Shipping Center. It will bring a once-in-a-lifetime historical opportunity for the overall development of Tianjin city. Further research on Tianjin Northern International Shipping Center will promote the healthy and high speed development of Tianjin Northern International Shipping Center. However, at this stage, the research is limited to competitiveness, lacking of scope. Intergenerational ownership and development model and other fundamental issues. In this paper, the connotation of the international shipping center is defined, and on the basis of the comparative analysis of the evolution of the three generations of international shipping center, the performance characteristics of the three generations of international shipping center are summarized in a comprehensive and systematic way. Then it analyzes the influence factors of the intergenerational evolution of the international shipping center, establishes the evaluation system of the intergenerational division of the international shipping center, and calculates the weight of the evaluation index by the AHP method. Some of the most important factors affecting the intergenerational division of international shipping centers are identified. The grey correlation degree method is used to divide the international shipping center of northern Tianjin intergenerational, to determine the stage of its development and to analyze the reasons. Finally, through the analysis of the result of intergenerational division, combined with the actual development situation and the influence of policies, this paper draws the conclusion that the development orientation of Tianjin Northern International Shipping Center and the countermeasures and suggestions for its march towards the third generation knowledge-based international shipping center.
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