[Abstract]:In a short period of ten years, the number of dry ports operated and planned in China has increased rapidly to 70, and many inland cities are exploring dry ports. Dry port is not only an important strategy for coastal ports to participate in global supply chain, but also an important support for the development of export-oriented economy and modern logistics in inland cities. With the full development of many "ports" inland and the increasingly important strategic position of dry ports, we have to pay close attention to the characteristics of their growth stage in the process of exploring dry ports. The spatial evolution of dry ports in China and the urban location characteristics of dry ports are expected to provide reference for the development of more dry ports in the future. The full text is divided into six chapters. The specific contents of each chapter are as follows: the first chapter, the introduction part, expounds the economic and social background of the development of dry ports in China and the present situation of the development of dry ports, and then puts forward the central problem of this paper. Summarize the domestic and foreign dry port related research, establish the research framework, define the scope of the study. The second chapter, through the analysis of domestic and foreign practice and research of the existing and dry port related terms, combined with the purpose of this study, define the concept of dry port; Based on the discussion of the concept of dry ports and the planning and internal development requirements of some dry ports, the basic standards of dry ports are determined. The third, fourth and fifth chapters are the main research part of this paper. The third chapter mainly draws lessons from the domestic and foreign port development and the existing dry port practice, the planning and the related research foundation, discusses the stage characteristic of the function expansion in the dry port growth process. The fourth chapter analyzes the spatial evolution of dry ports in the whole country, summarizes the space-time evolution characteristics of dry ports in China by combing the operating time of dry ports and the layout of the whole country, and finds out that there are five main ports in China at present. The possible impact of the development of dry ports on the coastal-inland relationship is discussed. In the fifth chapter, 57 dry ports with clear urban location are analyzed in detail, and the relationship between dry ports and urban spatial structure is analyzed from the aspects of transportation, administration, logistics, industry and so on. The sixth chapter, the basic conclusion and the research prospect, mainly aims at the research question, further refines the main point of view of this research, and points out the main problems existing in the research process of this paper.
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