发布时间:2019-02-22 18:17
【摘要】:改革开放三十多年来,中国民航业发生了翻天覆地的变化。中国现代民用航空事业的开端是1949年成立中国民用航空管理局,从上个世纪70年代开始,我国的民用航空事业走上了飞速发展的道路。众所周知,民用航空运输是我国综合交通运输体系的重要组成部分,也是我国具有举足轻重作用的重要经济部门。随着中国民用航空事业发展的步伐大步向前,中国民航市场的准入门槛和限制条件逐渐降低,各个地方性的航空公司犹如雨后春笋一样冒了出来。由于每一个省/市都希望拥有以自己的城市来命名的航空公司,中国民航市场一度呈现群雄逐鹿的局面。最具典型性的时间段是上个世纪末本世纪初,1993年,深圳航空公司就诞生于那个特定的时间段,自此成为深圳这座美丽又开放城市的一张亮丽的城市名片。 时间进入到二十一世纪,本世纪的第一个十年对于中国民航来说一个动荡而又艰难的十年,对于深圳航空公司来说就更是如此了。2002年,中国民航业的重组事宜尘埃落定,就航空公司而言,最终形成了三大国有巨头航空公司一一中国国际航空公司、东方航空公司、南方航空公司,这三大国有航空公司掌握着中国航空运输业的绝大部分战略资源,同时也牢牢把控着中国航空运输市场。2003年的非典将包括中国在内的全球民航业推向了巨额亏损的深渊,待到国内民航业刚刚走出这个深渊,2008年一场世界性的金融风暴突然袭来,国内外经济状况一片萧条,中国民航市场再次步入市场不景气的深渊。 总体而言,新世纪以来的中国民航市场发展状况并不乐观,深航作为一家地方性的航空公司更是备尝艰辛。从宏观层面上来看,国内外经济形势相对惨淡,市场进一步的繁荣尚需等待时间。国内三大国有航空公司势力庞大,各类中小型航空公司割据一方,市场竞争异常激烈。从公司层面上来看,包括航油在内的各类成本高居不下,公司生存和发展压力较大。公司性质发生改变,控股股东几度更迭,影响企业的战略发展。尽管如此,深航有着自己的优势,在新世纪的第二个十年,无论是国内外还是行业内外都呈现出了一些新形势、新特点,深航尽管需要面临不少挑战,但也将迎来巨大发展机遇。本文运用战略管理理论的相关经典理论和模型,结合深航的客观实际,分析了外部环境中的机会和威胁,明确了内部环境中的优势和劣势。经过深入分析和研究,本文最终选择SO战略(即增长性战略)作为深航的发展战略,并为其战略发展的实施提供指导意见。
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up more than 30 years ago, China's civil aviation industry has undergone earth-shaking changes. The beginning of China's modern civil aviation industry was the establishment of China Civil Aviation Administration Bureau in 1949. Since the 1970s, China's civil aviation industry has been on the road of rapid development. As we all know, civil air transportation is an important part of China's comprehensive transportation system, and it is also an important economic department which plays an important role in our country. With the rapid development of China's civil aviation industry, the entry threshold and restrictions of China's civil aviation market have been gradually lowered, and local airlines have sprung up. Because every province or city wants to have an airline named after its own city, the civil aviation market of China once presented the situation of herd. The most typical time period was at the end of the last century and the beginning of this century, in 1993, Shenzhen Airlines was born in that particular time period, and has since become a beautiful and open city of Shenzhen a bright city business card. Time has entered the 21 century, the first decade of this century has been a turbulent and difficult one for CAAC, especially for Shenzhen Airlines. In 2002, the reorganization of China's civil aviation industry was settled. As far as airlines are concerned, they have finally formed three major state-owned airlines, namely, China International Airlines, China Eastern Airlines, and Southern Airlines. These three state-owned airlines hold most of the strategic resources of China's air transport industry. At the same time, it also firmly controls China's air transport market. In 2003, SARS pushed the global civil aviation industry, including China, into the abyss of huge losses, until the domestic civil aviation industry had just emerged from this abyss. In 2008, a worldwide financial storm suddenly hit, the domestic and foreign economic conditions were depressed, China civil aviation market once again into the abyss of market depression. Generally speaking, the development of civil aviation market in China since the new century is not optimistic, Shenzhen Airlines as a local airline is more difficult. From the macro point of view, the domestic and foreign economic situation is relatively bleak, the market needs to wait for further prosperity. China's three major state-owned airlines are powerful, all kinds of small and medium-sized airlines are divided into one side, the market competition is extremely fierce. At the company level, all kinds of costs, including aviation oil, are high, and the pressure of survival and development of the company is great. The nature of the company changes, controlling shareholders change several times, affecting the strategic development of enterprises. Nevertheless, Shenzhen Airlines has its own advantages. In the second decade of the new century, both at home and abroad as well as within and outside the industry, Shenzhen Airlines has presented some new situations and new characteristics. Although Shenzhen Airlines needs to face many challenges, But it will also usher in huge development opportunities. Based on the classical theories and models of strategic management theory and the objective reality of Shenzhen Airlines, this paper analyzes the opportunities and threats in the external environment, and clarifies the advantages and disadvantages in the internal environment. After in-depth analysis and research, this paper finally chooses SO strategy (growth strategy) as the development strategy of Shenzhen Airlines, and provides guidance for the implementation of its strategic development.
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up more than 30 years ago, China's civil aviation industry has undergone earth-shaking changes. The beginning of China's modern civil aviation industry was the establishment of China Civil Aviation Administration Bureau in 1949. Since the 1970s, China's civil aviation industry has been on the road of rapid development. As we all know, civil air transportation is an important part of China's comprehensive transportation system, and it is also an important economic department which plays an important role in our country. With the rapid development of China's civil aviation industry, the entry threshold and restrictions of China's civil aviation market have been gradually lowered, and local airlines have sprung up. Because every province or city wants to have an airline named after its own city, the civil aviation market of China once presented the situation of herd. The most typical time period was at the end of the last century and the beginning of this century, in 1993, Shenzhen Airlines was born in that particular time period, and has since become a beautiful and open city of Shenzhen a bright city business card. Time has entered the 21 century, the first decade of this century has been a turbulent and difficult one for CAAC, especially for Shenzhen Airlines. In 2002, the reorganization of China's civil aviation industry was settled. As far as airlines are concerned, they have finally formed three major state-owned airlines, namely, China International Airlines, China Eastern Airlines, and Southern Airlines. These three state-owned airlines hold most of the strategic resources of China's air transport industry. At the same time, it also firmly controls China's air transport market. In 2003, SARS pushed the global civil aviation industry, including China, into the abyss of huge losses, until the domestic civil aviation industry had just emerged from this abyss. In 2008, a worldwide financial storm suddenly hit, the domestic and foreign economic conditions were depressed, China civil aviation market once again into the abyss of market depression. Generally speaking, the development of civil aviation market in China since the new century is not optimistic, Shenzhen Airlines as a local airline is more difficult. From the macro point of view, the domestic and foreign economic situation is relatively bleak, the market needs to wait for further prosperity. China's three major state-owned airlines are powerful, all kinds of small and medium-sized airlines are divided into one side, the market competition is extremely fierce. At the company level, all kinds of costs, including aviation oil, are high, and the pressure of survival and development of the company is great. The nature of the company changes, controlling shareholders change several times, affecting the strategic development of enterprises. Nevertheless, Shenzhen Airlines has its own advantages. In the second decade of the new century, both at home and abroad as well as within and outside the industry, Shenzhen Airlines has presented some new situations and new characteristics. Although Shenzhen Airlines needs to face many challenges, But it will also usher in huge development opportunities. Based on the classical theories and models of strategic management theory and the objective reality of Shenzhen Airlines, this paper analyzes the opportunities and threats in the external environment, and clarifies the advantages and disadvantages in the internal environment. After in-depth analysis and research, this paper finally chooses SO strategy (growth strategy) as the development strategy of Shenzhen Airlines, and provides guidance for the implementation of its strategic development.
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