[Abstract]:The development planning of the internal business department of the enterprise needs to be combined with the development strategy of the enterprise. The production engineering department of GM Company is the business department of GM Company which is responsible for the installation, commissioning, operation and delivery of the existing projects. With the rapid development of the company's business, the number of personnel, technical level and coordination ability of the production engineering department have been put forward higher requirements. In recent years, with the increase of national railway investment, the company's products have been widely used in many railway projects, the production department is in a serious shortage of personnel, which poses a threat to the quality of business implementation and business development. In order to adapt to the development of the company, this paper begins with the background of the company's industry, the planning of the company's development and the development of the future business, and expounds the tasks and needs of the enterprise. Then the internal and external conditions faced by the department are enumerated and the environmental analysis is carried out, and it is determined that the development of the department into a department with the capability of business operation can be regarded as the development goal of the department in three stages. According to the development goals, combined with the company's development planning and annual operating objectives, the basic tasks of the department and the key elements to achieve these tasks are broken down, and the sector development plan is drawn up around the basic tasks of the department. Improve and improve these key elements to meet the requirements of the development of the company and achieve the development goals of the sector while meeting the requirements of the development of the company. At the end of the paper, the implementation scheme of the department development plan is expounded. According to the planning, the development of the department is divided into three stages: standard implementation and post assessment, project performance appraisal, and establishment of the product affairs department. This paper explains the implementation objectives, requirements, various factors affecting the implementation of departmental development planning in each stage, and the method of adjusting the corporate planning to the departmental development planning according to the change of external conditions.
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