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发布时间:2019-05-18 12:11
【摘要】:腹地产业的转移、升级,,导致港口的箱源结构发生变化,箱量增幅呈现放缓趋势。港口企业纷纷采用“港港联盟”、“港航联盟”、“无水港”等策略吸引箱源,但效果不明显。因而,研究多渠道港口物流服务链的协调问题,使港口成为服务链中的重要节点,吸引更多的箱源,有非常重大的经济意义。本论文基于博弈理论及激励理论,研究多渠道的横向协调的问题,分析港口企业吸引箱源应采取的对策。 本论文主要的创新性研究如下: (1)实证分析了货代市场、港口市场,总结得出港口企业揽货的两种途径:以货代企业为动力的揽货途径和港口企业自身揽货途径。分析了两企业的服务竞争现况并对服务价格进行分类,构建了基于港口物流服务价格或航线海运价格的港口企业多揽货渠道基本模型并对其实际意义进行了分析。 (2)基于港口物流服务链的思想,以港口物流服务价格为主要影响因素构建了多揽货渠道港口物流服务需求预测信息共享模型。基于该模型提出了实现需求预测信息共享的条件,并分析了价格冲突,以及基于利益分享契约进行协调,最后对其进行了算例分析以证明其有效性。 (3)基于港口物流服务链的思想,以港口物流服务价格为主要影响因素构建了多揽货渠道港口物流服务链横向协调模型。基于该模型分析了横向协调的渠道冲突,同时研究设计出在满足一定条件下的基于差异化客户战略及利益分享激励协调机制。后经算例分析其有效性,并指出对现实港口揽货渠道协调的指导意义。 本论文的研究丰富了多渠道协调对港口物流服务链影响的理论成果,对于我国港口管理决策有重要指导意义,并给港口带来可观的经济效益,缓解渠道间利益冲突,促进区域经济更好的发展。
[Abstract]:The transfer and upgrading of hinterland industry leads to the change of box source structure and the slowing trend of box volume growth. Port enterprises have adopted strategies such as "Port and Port Alliance", "Port and Navigation Alliance" and "anhydrous Port" to attract box sources, but the effect is not obvious. Therefore, it is of great economic significance to study the coordination of multi-channel port logistics service chain, so that the port can become an important node in the service chain and attract more box sources. Based on game theory and incentive theory, this paper studies the problem of multi-channel horizontal coordination, and analyzes the countermeasures that should be taken to attract box sources in port enterprises. The main innovative research of this paper is as follows: (1) empirical analysis of freight forwarder market, port market, summed up the port enterprises to collect goods two ways: freight forwarder enterprises as the driving way and port enterprises themselves to collect goods. This paper analyzes the present situation of service competition between the two enterprises and classifies the service price, constructs the basic model of port enterprise multi-cargo channel based on port logistics service price or route shipping price, and analyzes its practical significance. (2) based on the idea of port logistics service chain, this paper constructs a multi-cargo channel port logistics service demand forecasting information sharing model with port logistics service price as the main influencing factor. Based on this model, the conditions for realizing demand forecasting information sharing are put forward, and the price conflict and coordination based on benefit sharing contract are analyzed. Finally, an example is given to prove its effectiveness. (3) based on the idea of port logistics service chain, the horizontal coordination model of port logistics service chain with port logistics service price as the main influencing factor is constructed. Based on this model, the channel conflict of horizontal coordination is analyzed, and the coordination mechanism based on differentiated customer strategy and benefit sharing incentive is studied and designed under certain conditions. After an example, its effectiveness is analyzed, and the guiding significance for the coordination of cargo collection channels in real ports is pointed out. The research in this paper enriches the theoretical results of the influence of multi-channel coordination on port logistics service chain, and has important guiding significance for port management decision-making in our country, and brings considerable economic benefits to ports and alleviates conflicts of interest between channels. Promote the better development of regional economy.


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