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发布时间:2017-12-28 06:20

  本文关键词:我国上证A股工业公司资本结构影响因素的实证研究 出处:《广西师范大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 资本结构 静态权衡理论 代理成本理论 优序融资理论

[Abstract]:Capital structure is an important part of financial research in recent years. Research at home and abroad mainly focuses on capital structure and market value, company performance, company earning capacity and industry characteristics. China's stock market belongs to the emerging market, its capital structure is still worth studying, especially the determinant factors that affect the capital structure of China's Shanghai A - share Industrial Company. The emerging market countries emerged in 80s and 90s twentieth Century. The average annual personal income of the emerging market countries is at the level of the middle and lower countries. The industrialization degree is low, the capital market development is not perfect, and the stock market value occupies a small part in GDP. The per capita national income of our country is in the middle level of income, the market mechanism is imperfect and the development of the stock market is lagging behind. Whether the capital structure of the A - share Industrial Company is consistent with the three classical theories of capital structure is the key point of this paper. The capital structure is a variety of funds on behalf of the enterprise in debt, common and preferred shares of their respective proportion, which focuses on corporate debt capital and equity capital ratio, is the basic problem of financial management of enterprise investment and financing strategy, is the theoretical basis of enterprise investment and financing decision, capital structure optimization is the root of realization the maximum value of the enterprise. The financial leverage of China's stock market decreases with the increase of profitability, and increases with the increase of enterprise scale, non debt tax shield and tangible assets. Meanwhile, growth opportunities and product uniqueness have a certain impact on China's stock market. Industrial enterprises play an important role in China's economic development. Especially in the economic and social development and economic transformation and upgrading, industrial enterprises play an irreplaceable role. Industrial enterprises play an important role in the comprehensive reform of China's economy. However, due to the historical and national economic system, few listed industrial companies can achieve 100% capital structure. Therefore, it is very necessary for industrial listed companies to adjust their capital structure effectively. With the continuous improvement of the value of industrial listed companies, the gradual improvement of stock market and the increasing demand of stock investors, it is of great practical significance to study the capital structure of China's industrial listed companies. The capital structure theory is one of the important parts of the financial financial theory of the listed companies, and the excellent capital structure plays an important role in the problem of corporate governance. According to the characteristics of China's stock market and China's industrial listed companies, and summarize the research results from domestic and foreign capital structure, to study the influencing factors of capital structure from the static trade-off theory, agency cost theory and the pecking order theory of three kinds of capital structure theory, whether the three main theory and the capital structure of China's Shanghai A shares the industrial company and the capital structure is consistent. The 2250 panel sample of 375 industrial companies based in China Shanghai A shares of 2008-2013 OLS test method to estimate the financial leverage of capital structure as the explanatory variable, the profitability of tangible assets (PROFT), (TANGY), growth opportunities (GRTH), the size of the company (LSIZE), non the debt tax shield (NDTS) and unique products (UNIQ) six factors to study the capital structure of China's Shanghai A shares of industrial companies. From the perspective of the development of our stock market angle, elaborated the domestic and international research results about the theory of capital structure, empirical analysis of capital structure of China's industrial listed companies, to further examine the three main physical capital structure and capital structure of China's Shanghai A shares of industrial companies on the consistency of. The research results show that: the financing decision of Shanghai A share Industrial Company has verified three main theories of capital structure, and also highlights the capital structure characteristics of China's stock market. The influence factors of capital structure decisions, profitability is negatively related to capital structure of industrial listed companies, support the pecking order theory; tangible assets and capital structure is positively related to the support of the static trade-off theory; corporate scale and capital structure is positively related to the three main theoretical support the capital structure; growth opportunity, non debt tax shield two and capital structure is not obvious, and consistent with the agency cost theory and pecking order theory; product uniqueness and capital structure is positively related to the support of the theory of agency cost. The maximization of shareholder wealth is the goal of optimizing capital structure in stock market. The key to maximize shareholder wealth is to balance income and risk, and to evaluate the interest relationship between stakeholders in the process of value added. A reasonable capital structure makes an excellent capital structure. China's industrial listed companies emphasize corporate governance and follow the basic rules of the market economy and pursue the best capital structure. Based on the above research, we put forward the following suggestions: at the company level, we should pay attention to the structure of internal financing, and pay attention to the lever revenue obtained by combining solvency and profitability. Strengthen the company's profitability, strengthen corporate governance, pay attention to debt financing and equity financing balance. The creditor has a certain constraint on the manager of the company, especially from the supervision of the bank and the hard contract of the creditor. The influence of the ownership structure on the efficiency of corporate governance is mainly reflected in the quality improvement of the ownership structure. The cost of capital structure is reduced to a certain extent through the balance of creditor's rights and equity. On the system, we should improve the financing environment of Listed Companies in our country, broaden the financing channels of listed companies and optimize the capital structure. We should establish a sound and effective multi-level capital market, strengthen the supervision of listed companies' financing behavior, supervise the company's information disclosure, improve information disclosure and improve related regulations and regulations.


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