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发布时间:2017-12-28 16:04

  本文关键词:公立养老机构的财务信息披露研究 出处:《商业经济》2016年12期  论文类型:期刊论文

  更多相关文章: 公立 养老机构 财务 信息披露

[Abstract]:With the increase of the aging population in China, public pension institutions occupy an important position in the urban old-age service. Because the funds of public pension institutions are mostly from finance, it is necessary to improve the financial information disclosure of public pension institutions. However, there are many problems in the financial disclosure of public pension institutions, such as too much information, lack of effective performance evaluation system, unreasonable revenue and expenditure structure and lack of effective supervision system. The government should establish a sound accounting standard system, establish a unified standard of financial information disclosure mechanism, establish a public pension institutions performance evaluation mechanism, strengthen internal control mechanism and improve the financial information disclosure supervision system.
【作者单位】: 渤海大学管理学院;
【正文快照】: 截止到2015年底,我国60岁以上老人已经到达2.2亿人,约占总人口的16%。我国的老龄化发展速度比较快,随着我国老龄化人口人数的不断增加,构建完善的养老服务体系就显得尤为重要。完善养老体系建设是社会稳定发展、居民幸福生活的重要保障和基石。任何个人都会面临老的问题,传统


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