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发布时间:2017-12-28 17:10

  本文关键词:广州A“旧厂房”改造项目投融资决策分析 出处:《华南理工大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 旧厂房改造 投融资决策 土地收储

[Abstract]:The "three old" transformation is a unique mode of urban renewal and transformation in Guangdong Province, which refers to the transformation of old towns, old factories and old villages. It is an important measure for the Ministry of land and resources to cooperate with Guangdong Province in promoting the work of pilot and demonstration provinces for intensive and economical land use. Guangzhou is one of the early industrialized cities in China. Many industrial buildings that have made great contributions to urban development have become the shackles that restrict the development of new urbanization, occupy the valuable land resources of urban centers, but the utilization efficiency is very low. The three old reform policies, Guangzhou city of old factory "retreat into three, upgrade usher in a good opportunity. Based on the "three old" reform policy in Guangzhou, this paper studies the investment and financing decision of the old building renovation project of Jingxi road in Baiyun District. The first chapter elaborates the present Guangzhou city "three old reform policies, the old factory" public sale, income support "or" self transformation, pay the premium "two kinds of transformation of the similarities and differences; the second chapter introduces the general situation of A project and the transformation of the old plant, the project investment plan, pay the premium and construction investment investment budget for 1 billion 100 million yuan; the third chapter according to the project's self transformation investment plan and the surrounding market investigation, project management is the next 15 years, and the project land" public sale, income support land compensation income mode comparison. In order to maximize the economic benefit, G company should choose the way of self-improvement. The fourth chapter analyzes the premise of the project selection of self transformation, in order to reduce the risk of project development and project development funds demand, the introduction of partners on all subsequent investment partners and partners invested 500 million yuan, the subsequent investment gap through land mortgage bank loans under the condition of cooperation between the two sides in item company shares ratio and return on investment, and as a G company with partners to negotiate the basis, to maximize revenue.


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