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发布时间:2017-12-31 12:33

  本文关键词:A物流公司财务管理体系优化研究 出处:《福州大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 物流 财务管理 成本 资产 资金

[Abstract]:The financial management of logistics enterprises is based on their own objectives, according to the principles of financial management, the organization of financial activities, handling financial relations of the economic management work, including financing management, investment management, cost management. Asset management, working capital management, profit distribution management and other content. A logistics company by dividing costs into transport costs, storage costs, inventory costs, logistics related management costs. Six items of cost management, such as shortage cost, tax and risk related cost, etc.; Asset management is mainly aimed at the management of fixed assets and intangible assets; Fund management is the management of procurement, project funds and other daily funds through the fund management platform. Debt management revolves around short-term liabilities and long-term liabilities. Although A logistics company has initially constructed a financial management system, there are still some problems to be optimized, mainly as follows: first. Loose fund management and low utilization rate; Second, it is difficult to raise funds, the proportion of internal financing in the overall financing is low, the financing channel is narrow, leading to the financing form is relatively single; Third, the financial management system is not perfect, the basic work of accounting is weak, and the financial accounting is not standardized; 4th, the internal accounting control system is not perfect. Combined with the operating characteristics of A logistics company and the problems of financial management, according to the financial management objectives of maximizing the enterprise value. The aim of this paper is to reduce the cost, improve the efficiency of asset management and enhance the economic benefit. According to the principle of cost and benefit, the principle of system optimization and the principle of time efficiency. Its specific optimization content includes: first, reconfiguration A logistics company cost management system, through the effective control of each item cost to reduce the total cost. Second. The asset management system of A logistics company is optimized into three subsystems: asset management system, manager system and asset return system, to improve the economy and effectiveness of asset management. Thirdly, in the optimization of capital management. To build a cash management system to meet the needs of modern enterprises, including the establishment of a scientific and effective extracorporeal circulation system, the establishment of a special fund management and control institutions. Strengthen the financial control and supervision of foreign investment management. 4th, establish the financial centralized management mode, broaden the management content of financial management, and innovate the management means of financial management. The optimized financial management of A logistics company can effectively control the cost and improve the efficiency of asset management. At the same time, make the capital flow more smooth and orderly, thus enhancing the value of enterprises.


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