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发布时间:2017-12-31 13:10

  本文关键词:M公司项目交付管理问题研究 出处:《扬州大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: M公司 项目交付 项目质量 项目体系

[Abstract]:The project for the product to replace the single product in twenty-first Century has become a way of sustainable development of enterprises, many enterprises to enhance their product strength through the implementation of the project, to ensure its advantageous position in the fierce competition in the market. How to manage the project, how to implement effective project management, has become one of the hot issues in the current study. The project management as a discipline in its application scope gradually expanded, the application of project progress management in all kinds of engineering projects are also gradually strengthened, but because of China's management of the project starts relatively late, the advanced level of the proportion of application in the actual project and the result obtained with the international project management there is a certain gap, we need to implement continuous exploration and practice of project management theory combined with the work in the actual project, summarizes the application of project management Experience and model. The research objectives envisaged for delivery management research through the project, the M project group to achieve a smooth delivery. The successful delivery of project group closely around several outcome indicators: project delivery, project quality, project profitability, and ultimately customer satisfaction. This paper first introduces the research background. The significance, literature review, content, research methods and innovation points. Then the project delivery management theory, describes the key elements of project delivery, as well as the influence factor method. And then analyzes the M company project delivery management program delivery is not timely, the poor quality of project, project losses and other problems, and these problems behind the deep analysis of the causes of these problems. The project is not timely delivery of the first is the main reason for the responsibility system of the project without the effective implementation of project implementation, no entry Project lead, each link is lack of coordination, communication and Coordination Department wall serious difficulties; secondly it is the pre-sale contract system is not perfect, there are many loopholes and risks; again is the project resource system is not perfect, the overall strength of resources is not high, and the matching degree of difference. The main reason is the poor quality of the project key node has some problems for example, the quality of the contract, the quality of design, procurement quality, manufacturing quality, construction quality and other quality problems. The reasons of loss of projects to guide the project budget quotation is often not timely, accurate; project accounting system is not perfect, the actual cost can not be timely and accuracy problems, often mislead the project manager control. In order to solve these problems, the need to improve the M management mode for project delivery, delivery timely indicators of process node need to establish the project life cycle And strictly control every key point; second is the project master plan for inspection, tracking and take effective measures to close the difference of project quality control requires the establishment of contract guarantee system and guarantee system for design; project cost control needs to establish a financial management system and ability, dynamic security system. This article attempts to delivery management through the research project, provide the impetus for the sustainable development of M company, which has a certain reference significance to similar project management work.



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