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发布时间:2017-12-31 18:10

  本文关键词:GK商贸公司业务发展融资问题研究 出处:《广西大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 融资 商业保理 私募股权 信用担保

【摘要】:随着我国改革开放进程的不断深化,国内企业所面临的市场规模也在不断扩大,在面对日益激烈的市场竞争环境下,企业想要站稳脚跟并且发展壮大,除了依靠自身的管理、创新来增强实力外,资本的积累起到了关键作用。融资能力差一直以来都是贸易企业发展壮大的绊脚石,已经成为一个世界性的难题。根据统计研究显示,贸易企业为拉动经济增长、增加政府税收、稳定社会就业做出了巨大的贡献。中小贸易企业的迅速发展,已成为我国经济持续稳定健康发展的重要保证。然而,随着全球经济进入结构性过剩的时代,短缺经济已被过剩经济所取代,买方市场已经形成。无论国内还是国际,对普通商品的交易主要采取赊销交易模式。而赊销将给企业带来很多不利影响,如应收账款大幅上升,超过利润增幅,从而威胁企业的经营现金流。 本文具体通过对GK(注:“GK”为商贸公司简称)商贸公司业务发展融资问题的研究,从企业的业务结构、资本构成、融资方式、融资成本、融资风险和财务等多方面视角进行系统性问题的发掘,运用了文献研究法、实证研究法、个案研究法、经验总结法等多种研究方法,同时结合企业融资学理论与GK商贸公司的实际业务及现行融资情况,设计出了符合GK商贸公司现阶段业务发展的多种渠道融资方式,打破了GK商贸公司传统单一的融资模式。商业保理融资方案将GK商贸公司自身带入了“专业化经济”的发展道路。私募股权融资为.GK商贸公司提供了稳定的资金来源和可靠的、高附加值的服务,在降低公司财务成本的同时,提高了公司的内在价值。信用担保融资方案,不仅为GK商贸公司融到低成本、稳定、安全可靠的资金,而且通过利用担保公司的平台,拓展了公司的业务范围,降低了政策风险,开辟了GK商贸公司融资新途径。 本文的结论是:商业保理融资方案、私募股权融资方案、信用担保融资方案方案对GK商贸公司业务的发展具有普遍的可操作性。
[Abstract]:With the deepening of the process of reform and opening up in China, the market scale faced by domestic enterprises is also expanding. In the face of increasingly fierce market competition, enterprises want to stand firm and develop. In addition to relying on their own management, innovation to enhance strength, the accumulation of capital has played a key role. Poor financing capacity has been a stumbling block to the development and growth of trading enterprises. It has become a worldwide problem. According to statistical research, trade enterprises have made a great contribution to stimulating economic growth, increasing government taxes, stabilizing social employment, and the rapid development of small and medium-sized trade enterprises. It has become an important guarantee for the sustained, stable and healthy development of our economy. However, with the global economy entering the era of structural surplus, the shortage economy has been replaced by the surplus economy. The buyer's market has been formed. Whether domestic or international, the transaction of ordinary commodities mainly adopts the mode of sale on credit. Credit will bring a lot of adverse effects to enterprises, such as the rise of accounts receivable, more than the increase of profits. Thus threatening the business operating cash flow. Through the research of GK (GK) business development financing, this paper discusses the business structure, capital structure, financing method and financing cost of GK. Financing risk and finance and other perspectives to explore the systemic issues, the use of literature research method, empirical research method, case study method, experience summary method and other research methods. At the same time, combining with the theory of enterprise financing and the actual business and current financing situation of GK Trading Company, the author designs a variety of financing channels which accord with the current business development of GK Trading Company. It breaks the traditional single financing mode of GK Trading Company. The commercial factoring financing scheme brings GK Trading Company itself into the "specialized economy". Private equity financing provides a stable source of funding and reliability for the. GK Trading Company. High value-added services, while reducing the company's financial costs, improve the intrinsic value of the company. Credit guarantee financing program, not only for GK Trading Company to raise low-cost, stable, safe and reliable funds. Moreover, by using the platform of the guarantee company, the scope of business of the company is expanded, the policy risk is reduced, and a new way of financing for GK Trading Company is opened up. The conclusion of this paper is that commercial factoring financing, private equity financing and credit guarantee financing have universal maneuverability for the development of GK business.


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