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发布时间:2017-12-31 18:40

  本文关键词:基于项目管理的ET公司财务共享服务中心的需求分析与实现 出处:《复旦大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 财务共享服务中心 项目管理

[Abstract]:With the acceleration of the process of economic globalization and the development of information technology, financial sharing service center as a new type of accounting and reporting business management, through the integration of standardized business. Process reengineering to strengthen management and control capacity and improve service quality. It has become an important management method for enterprise groups to enhance their comprehensive competitiveness and maximize their benefits. Firstly, this paper introduces the basic theory of financial sharing service center. And analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of the financial sharing service center, and then in order to effectively guide the implementation of the financial sharing service center, improve the implementation success rate. This paper proposes to introduce the theory and method of project management into the research of the implementation process of financial sharing service center. Project management theory is from the perspective of organization and manager. The adoption of scientific and standardized measures and means to ensure the realization of the objectives of each stage of project implementation. The coincidence of the two is the starting point and entry point of this paper. Compared with previous studies. This paper attempts to break through innovation: 1 in the following aspects, learn from the theory and method of project management, and study the implementation process of financial sharing service center. This paper tries to sum up a set of implementation methodology suitable for financial sharing service center, which takes the project implementation cycle as the time axis and decomposes the key tasks of the system implementation, forming the existing theoretical basis. It also has the implementation framework of practical operation possibility, "7-1 implementation Methodology" 2, through the collation and statistics of domestic and foreign theoretical literature and domestic enterprise application cases. This paper summarizes the successful key points suitable for the implementation of financial sharing service center in our country. Refining these success keys can improve the efficiency of project implementation and ensure that the enterprise will use steel well on the knife edge. At present, the financial sharing service center is a relatively new topic in China, and the related research resources are relatively scarce. This brings some difficulties to the writing of this paper, and from another angle, it also highlights the innovation and research significance of this paper.


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8 李t熲,




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