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发布时间:2018-01-02 11:25

  本文关键词:农业生物技术企业初创期融资问题研究 出处:《河北农业大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 农业生物技术企业 初创期 融资 灰色关联度

【摘要】:高科技产业作为当代科学技术的“排头兵”,是推动我国生产力发展的最主要力量。其中高新技术产业的代表——生物技术产业,对我国的政治、经济、军事、文化等方面均有深刻的影响。由于转基因和克隆技术的飞速发展,使得生物技术在农业领域的发展前景最为广泛。与此同时,还赋予农业生物技术解决粮食安全、环境污染、能源短缺等重大社会问题的崇高历史使命。然而据国家科技部调查显示,由于涉农生物技术资金投入不足使得该产业发展已进入“瓶颈”状态。 本文通过SWOT分析法分析我国农业生物技术企业的发展现状,又通过调查问卷的形式分析银行业对农业生物技术企业贷款项目的现状,通过深入剖析找出影响农业生物技术企业融资的因素,并用灰色关联度分析法分析一个典型农业生物技术企业初创期各因素对其融资的影响程度,并以此为基础提出相应的解决方法。全文共七部分。第一部分引言,由研究背景的介绍引出本文的研究意义,在对国内外农业生物技术企业融资研究状况进行梳理的基础上对其进行更为系统的研究;第二部分为理论基础,介绍了农业生物技术企业初创期的定义,阐释了相关的融资理论和灰色关联度分析法的概念;第三部分农业生物技术企业初创期融资现状,通过SWOT分析法分析我国农业生物技术企业的发展状况。之后以调查问卷的形式分析农业生物技术企业初创期的融资现状,,为后文研究奠定基础;第四部分是通过现状深入分析农业生物技术企业初创期融资影响因素;第五部分运用灰色关联度分析法对一个典型的农业生物技术企业初创期——隆平高科进行融资因素影响程度分析,使得文章有理有据更有说服力;第六部分为对策研究,通过上文对影响因素的分析,有针对性的提出解决农业生物技术企业初创期融资难题的对策。第七部分为结论。列出本文的四点结论和不足之处。 本文通过文献研究法和问卷调查法总结出我国农业生物技术企业的融资现状,并用灰色关联度分析法进行实证研究得出各因素对融资的影响程度,最终提出了在加强企业自身建设,完善金融服务支持,拓宽融资渠道等三方面对解决农业生物技术企业初创期融资难题的建议。
[Abstract]:High tech industry as a modern science and technology "vanguard", is the main force to promote the development of productive forces in our country. The high-tech industry on behalf of the biotechnology industry, on China's political, economic, military, cultural and other aspects have a profound impact. Because of the rapid development of transgenic and cloning technology, the biological technology development prospects in the field of agriculture is the most widely used. At the same time, also gives the agricultural biotechnology to solve food security, environmental pollution, lofty historical mission a major social problem of energy shortage. However, according to the national Ministry of science and technology research, due to lack of agricultural biotechnology investment makes the industrial development has entered a "bottleneck".
This paper analysis the current development of China's agricultural biotechnology enterprises through SWOT analysis, and through the questionnaire analysis of the current situation of bank lending to the agricultural biotechnology enterprise project, through in-depth analysis to find out the influence factors of agricultural biotechnology enterprise financing, and use the gray correlation analysis method to analyze various factors of a typical agricultural biotechnology the start-up period of its extent of financing, and then puts forward some corresponding solutions. The paper consists of seven parts. The first part is the introduction, the significance of this study by the research background introduces, analyzes the financing research status of domestic and international agricultural biotechnology companies to carry out a more systematic study; the second part is the theoretical basis, introduces the definition of agricultural biotechnology start-up enterprises, explains the related financing theory and method of grey correlation analysis The third part concept; the financing status of agricultural biotechnology start-up period, through the SWOT analysis method to analyze the development situation of China's agricultural biotechnology enterprises. After the analysis to the questionnaire in the form of financing the start-up period of agricultural biotechnology enterprises, lay the foundation for later study; the fourth part is the status quo through in-depth analysis of factors affecting financing agricultural biotechnology start-up period; the fifth part uses the analysis of a typical agricultural biotechnology start-ups and financing factors longpinggaoke influence degree method of grey correlation analysis, makes this article more convincing; the sixth part is the countermeasure research, through the above analysis of the influence factors, countermeasures are put forward to solve the start-up period of the financing problems of agricultural biotechnology enterprises. The seventh part is the conclusion. This paper lists four conclusions and deficiencies .
This article through the literature research method and survey method and summed up the financing status of China's agricultural biotechnology companies, and empirical research shows that the influence of various factors on the financing of the grey relational analysis method, finally puts forward the construction of self strengthening enterprise, improve financial services support, expand financing channels in three aspects to solve the start-up period the financing problems of agricultural biotechnology enterprises.



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