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发布时间:2018-01-02 15:15

  本文关键词:我国上市银行内部控制信息披露与信用风险的实证研究 出处:《暨南大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 上市银行 内部控制 信息披露 信用风险

【摘要】:近年来,国内外一系列会计造假事件相继发生,暴露了内部控制和内部控制信息披露存在的许多不足。美国于2002年出台的《萨班斯-奥克斯利法案》强制要求上市公司披露内部控制信息,新巴塞尔协议也要求银行及时地进行信息披露以便于市场对金融系统安全性的监督。信用风险是银行面临的最主要风险,因此,研究我国上市银行内部控制信息披露与信用风险间的关系,对我国银行的风险控制具有一定意义。 本文在总结国内外学者研究成果的基础上,通过对我国16家上市银行的年报、内部控制评估报告和鉴证报告中内部控制信息披露的情况进行统计,并赋予定量的评价指标,建立多元线性回归模型,,结果表明,披露内部控制评估工作的具体过程,披露公允价值的内部控制、内部控制缺陷及改进措施、内部控制的“合理性、完整性、有效性”以及提高独立董事比例有助于降低信用风险。其中披露内控缺陷及改进措施对降低风险的作用并不明显,说明我国上市银行关于内控缺陷的披露过于形式化,在整改完善内控方面的能力还需加强。根据实证结果,文章最后提出了相关的政策建议。
[Abstract]:In recent years , a series of accounting fraud events at home and abroad have taken place successively , and there are many deficiencies in the disclosure of internal control and internal control information . The new Basel Accord , issued by the United States in 2002 , force requires the listed companies to disclose the internal control information . The new Basel Accord also requires banks to make timely information disclosure to facilitate the supervision of the security of the financial system . The credit risk is the most important risk faced by the banks . Therefore , it is of certain significance to study the relationship between the disclosure of the internal control information and the credit risk of the listed banks in our country . On the basis of summarizing domestic and foreign scholars ' research achievements , this paper makes statistics on the internal control information disclosure in China ' s 16 listed banks , and gives quantitative evaluation indexes to establish a multivariate linear regression model . The results show that the internal control , internal control defects and improvement measures of internal control are disclosed .



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