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发布时间:2018-01-02 17:20

  本文关键词:财务报表保险制度在我国当前不可行 出处:《财会月刊》2013年01期  论文类型:期刊论文

  更多相关文章: 财务报表保险制度 审计独立性 不可行性

[Abstract]:The insurance system of financial statements aims to make use of the intervention of insurance companies to cut off the direct contact between operators and registered accountants to improve the independence of audit . From the perspective of theory , financial statements insurance system is a very perfect system , which can coordinate the interests of various aspects . However , according to the current situation of capital market in our country , whether it is based on the voluntary principle or the compulsory principle , the implementation of the financial statements insurance system has inevitable problems , and the system does not solve the problem of collusion between listed companies and insurance companies or registered accountants , so it is not feasible to implement the insurance system of financial statements in our country .

【作者单位】: 暨南大学管理学院;
【正文快照】: 无可否认,从理论上讲财务报表保险制度是十分完美的,但是无论多么完美的理论,也要结合实际情况分析才能更深入地了解理论的可行性。笔者认为,当前我国是不适合实行财务报表保险制度的,以下拟从多方面解释这一观点。一、财务报表保险制度在理论上的完美性现行的财务报表审计制


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1 陈吉凤;;我国实施财务报表保险制度的可行性探讨[J];安徽工业大学学报(社会科学版);2005年06期

2 袁建国;杨慧余;爱琴;;关于建立我国财务报表保险制度的构想[J];财会通讯(学术版);2005年11期


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1 王利;我国审计独立性缺失与财务报表保险制度研究[D];兰州理工大学;2009年




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