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发布时间:2018-01-02 18:29

  本文关键词:A燃煤发电厂经营风险分析及防控策略研究 出处:《华北电力大学(北京)》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 燃煤发电厂 经营风险 防控策略

【摘要】:电力体制改革已经进入第11个年头,发电集团及区域发电公司间的竞争已由单纯的装机规模竞争,扩展到能源结构、产业结构及企业管理效率的竞争。而随着国家环保政策、技术改造等一系列要求的不断提高,发电企业自身综合盈利能力和抗风险能力也亟需增强。明确发电企业所面临的经营风险,降低发电企业运营成本,顺应电力市场环境变化,不断提升发电企业自身的抗风险能力,具有十分紧迫的现实意义。本文以A燃煤发电厂为例,深入分析了当前所面临的外部宏观经济、发电行业以及煤炭产业和环保政策环境。分析了该厂各项生产指标、财务指标以及组织机构和制度文化,构建了 SWOT矩阵模型。通过全面分析该厂成本构成,确定了 9项一级经营风险影响指标,并进行了敏感性分析和排序。根据当前内外部环境,对这9项一级指标进行分解,提出了 27项二级经营风险影响指标,并结合近期、中期国内外环境发展趋势及企业现状进行预测,分扩建和不扩建两种情况对2016年、2020年、2023年的A燃煤发电厂经营风险一级、二级经营风险影响指标进行分析预测和排序。与此同时,本文对27项二级指标进行分析并分解,提出了 67项三级经营风险影响指标,构建了三级经营风险防控指标体系,文章最后,结合该厂生产经营实际和发展规划,从11个方面对该厂全面经营风险防控体系的具体防控策略进行了阐述。本文以A燃煤发电厂为例,立足当前社会经济与行业发展,构建了燃煤发电企业经营风险三级指标体系,并有针对性地提出了具体风险防控策略,对于提升燃煤发电企业经营风险防控能力,提高盈利水平,具有一定的推广和参考价值。
[Abstract]:The electric power system reform has entered the 11th year, the competition between the generation group and the regional generation company has expanded from the pure installed scale competition to the energy structure. With the competition of industrial structure and enterprise management efficiency, with the national environmental protection policy, technological transformation and a series of requirements continue to improve. The comprehensive profitability and anti-risk ability of power generation enterprises also need to be strengthened. It is necessary to make clear the operating risks faced by power generation enterprises, reduce the operating costs of power generation enterprises, and adapt to the changes of electricity market environment. It is of urgent practical significance to continuously improve the ability of power generation enterprises to resist risks. This paper takes A coal-fired power plant as an example and deeply analyzes the external macro-economy that is facing at present. Power generation industry, coal industry and environmental protection policy environment. Analysis of the plant's production indicators, financial indicators, as well as organizational and institutional culture. The SWOT matrix model is constructed. Through the overall analysis of the cost composition of the plant, nine first-level operational risk impact indicators are determined, and sensitivity analysis and ranking are carried out, according to the current internal and external environment. By decomposing these 9 first-grade indexes, the paper puts forward 27 second-level operational risk impact indicators, and forecasts the trend of environmental development at home and abroad and the present situation of enterprises in the near future. On 2016, 2020, 2023, A coal-fired power plant operating risk first, secondary operating risk impact indicators were analyzed and forecasted. At the same time. This paper analyzes and decomposes 27 second-level indexes, puts forward 67 third-level management risk impact indicators, and constructs a three-level management risk prevention and control index system. Finally, the article puts forward a three-level management risk prevention and control index system. Combined with the actual production and development plan of the plant, the specific prevention and control strategies of the comprehensive operating risk prevention and control system of the plant are expounded from 11 aspects. This paper takes A coal-fired power plant as an example. Based on the current development of social economy and industry, a three-level index system of operating risk for coal-fired power generation enterprises is constructed, and specific risk prevention and control strategies are put forward. It has a certain value of popularization and reference for improving the management risk prevention and control ability and improving the profit level of coal-fired power generation enterprises.


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